I see that the craft brewery Brewdog has been in the news again, and again for the wrong reasons. I’m curious what others think of Brewdog. It has had more than its fair share of critics and problems. The ones I recall are:
The owner cashing in millions of shares just when their customer focused share investment scheme was not delivering profits.
The owner using a TV show about new ways to run a business, in this case recruit a key new manager by the views of the employees, and then ignoring the views of the employees.
The business claiming lots of environmental actions but having their certification as being ethical removed.
What do we think?
PS I am biased. I love their beer and their mash ups with other craft breweries. I love the fact that they started from a shed in Peterhead and now have a £billion+ business. Still in NE Scotland. Given a choice between Brewdog and Invbev / SBA Miller / Heineken or any of the massive brewers I know which I prefer.
I’ve not heard of Brewdog . I must get out more
You have now Ripple, no such thing as “Bad Publicity”
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