Hubby brought me a cup of tea in bed about 8.30. I remember having a few sips, next thing I must have fallen back to sleep and had spilt tea everywhere. We have a very expensive mattress just a couple of months old. Last week I bought a lovely new all seasons duvet. Luckily I was very hot so had kicked the duvet to one side. I leapt out and pulled off the sheet, a mattress topper and the best thing I ever bought thank god, a fitted mattress cover with towelling one side and waterproof coating inside so the mattress was not stained at all. Put them all in the washing machine as they were covered in tea. Back upstairs in bare feet and stubbed my foot on wooden blanket chest on landing. Cannot put foot on ground without great pain. 3 toes are now like fat sausages and bruising really coming out.
Pretty sure at least one is broken so will visit Minor Injuries Unit tomorrow.
Watch out that’s two things you have one still to come.
Sorry to hear that.Good reasons to utter a few swear words though…
Gee RR you don’t do things by halves.
Presumably you won’t be buying any lottery tickets this week.
And just so you don’t feel alone someone else ( who shall remain nameless )
also damaged a foot in recent weeks.
It necessitated my buying some forearm crutches as attempts to stand on that foot were excruciating, Thankfully… once I got the crutches things began to settle and mend quickly. You could borrow them but for the distance between us.
If you have broken anything don’t forget to continue to protect that foot beyond the time when it all .seems. to be fine
I think hubby deserves a slap for initiating the series of events that led to your injury
Hey, maybe you could even claim compensation
You shouldn’t have worried, a few tea stains add character to anything.
Not on my new mattress and bedding thanks.
Minor Injuries Unit confirm I have broken two toes. Rest, paracetamol, frozen peas if necessary.
Argh… Oh no, sorry to hear that RR, that’s got to be really painful, I hope you recover quickly.
I am sorry to read about your cup of tea spilling, and broken toes, I hope you will be ok, and pain will ease, understand how painful breaking something is.
I am always stubbing my toes. I’ve probably broken them many times over! Hope you feel better soon. Hugs.
We had nothing planned for today only daughter and partner coming for a meal at 6.
I have therefore decided to rest on my bed in the sunshine. It is glorious and since we have large windows at front and side of bedroom, the whole room is bathed in sunshine. I will spend the day reading!
My second ex wife died on Boxing Day. I suppose that counts as a mishap,
My daughter and SiL are staying at my place while they make funeral arrangements, pretty sad time for my kids.
(First ex wife died a few years ago)