Boris Johnson’s advice to the UK ….get a new kettle

Just looked through the news …Boris Johnson parting advice to the UK is “Get a new kettle and save £10 year on the electric bill”.

What an idiot what a chump thank the lord he is going .

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Is he going to buy us one then? They cost upwards of £20 in themselves, so not very cost effective…:woman_shrugging:

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Cheapo ones from Tesco for £5

Anyway, here’s a quote from whoops apocalypse movie:

“You’re telling me that the entire population of Great Britain went and elected a deranged psychotic to the highest office of the land? Again?”



Look at what’s coming.

If she does what she says she is going to do you will be wanting Boris back.

Luckily politicians rarely do what they say they will


I do not approve of Johnson but I do like fairness and in this case, I think Johnson’s quote about the kettle may have been taken out of context and is being mocked unfairly.

The bit about buying a new kettle was not meant to be advising people to go out and buy a new kettle - he was using it as an analogy.

It was in a speech in which Johnson said he would be assigning £700 million funding for a new nuclear plant to improve the UK’s energy security, and tried to explain how it might seem more expensive now to install but it would pay off in the long-run.

He claimed that if Hinkley Point C nuclear power station were running now, it would be cutting “our national fuel bills by £3 billion”.

“Nuclear always looks – when you begin – relatively expensive to build and to run, But look at what’s happening today, look at the results of Putin’s war. It is certainly cheap by comparison with hydrocarbons.”

He then made this analogy: “If you have an old kettle that takes ages to boil, it may cost you £20 to replace it, but it will save you £10 a year every year, on your electricity bill.”


An idiotic comment from the idiot in chief, who would have guessed?

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@Boot , Atomic energy ? Yeah!
But once it goes on world markets we will be in the same boat?
There is talk of going independant but it is only talk !!
Money talks !? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:



Before the plebs take a view it may be wise to get the guaranteed price per unit that the government have agreed to pay for the electricity on our behalf.


@swimfeeders , Well if the price was agreed 20yrs ago it can only be
cheaper than it is now ??
The twenty years is only a guess !! :+1::thinking::thinking::+1:

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He has only just signed the agreement.

He could have signed it last year before the prices shot.

The price agreed was 100’% above the price of a unit on the open that time of signing. Unless we have been very careful with the wording we could be paying stupid prices.

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Ooo.I say…Boris will be soo proud of Me cos I’ve just bought a new electric kettle.


@swimfeeders , Mmm’, Praps he should have waited then ??
Hoping the price will go down again on the world markets ??
Im just going to see if EDF is still involved, maybe its all being reset !

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EDF are more involved, our Government will have a 20% stake, the Chinese have lost out.

My view is quite simple, nuclear is far more important than HS2.

We should have scrapped HS2, just built the cross Pennine upgrade and spent the money on Nuclear


Boris might be reading this , don’t encourage him :wink:

Did you hear his speech? I did .
He stumbled & bumbled over his words when advising the nation to buy a kettle.
How embarrassing and thoughtless when many are facing poverty this winter , our prime minister ends a speech with a kettle.
It rivals Peppa Pig


He was using that as an analogy for we need to spend on nuclear to eventually save money. Never trust the msm to either understand or report honestly. That he didnt say it like that doesnt seem to matter to them.

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I don’t associate Boris with honesty either .

Johnson missed a trick .
Hang on to your kettle instead buy an air fryer :wink:
Or maybe a ?

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Wonder how long it would take to boil water in an air fryer?

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I like my air fryer even though it resembles a mine .

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