Too true!
My response to the folk who think it is bad to be be “woke” is that I would be rather be “awake” than be “sleep walking” my way through life!
So many folk go through life wearing their biased blinkers and look at the World based on their own needs and wants and they fail to see or understand the needs of others and miss seeing the bigger picture.
Actually that’s not correct Boot (I’m surprised at you) Being ‘Awake’ has a totally different meaning to the one you suggest. (sometimes referred to as a truther.)…It refers to people who see things behind the headlines and realise what the media is trying to do with their agenda. They think they have found what the world is all about…Woken up from the propaganda and false information that the main stream media brainwash us with. Quite the opposite from being a ‘Sleep walker’
GB News deals with issues that the MSM won’t touch. The freezing of bank accounts, the Dutch farmers protests, to mention just two and never mentioned on the BBC. Farage is a breath of fresh air and speaks for a good proportion of population of the UK. People can’t condemn a whole TV and radio station for the misgivings of one presenter like Boris, otherwise the BBC would have been closed down years ago by the likes of Savile, Harris, Edwards and Schofield. Far worse than Laurence Fox or Dan Wootton.
If Farage speaks for “a good proportion of the U.K.”, how come he never got elected to the U.K. Parliament p, despite standing for election in U.K. Parliamentary Elections many times? - didn’t he stand for Election about 7 times without getting voted in? That suggests to me that the “good proportion of the U.K.” who supported him was not the “majority of the U.K.” , so Farage is only supported by the “minority” of the U.K. Voters.
It is worth remembering that Farage does speak for the majority.
I thought U.K. did have a “First Past the Post” System? - so if Farage didn’t win a seat, he didn’t get enough votes in the FPTP System.
Personally, I would prefer Proportional Representation - and I would be surprised if Farage won a seat in UK Parliament under a system of Proportional Representation - but I’d be willing to take that risk in return for a proper system of Proportional Representation.
On the subject of wokeness nothing is more ridiculous than gay people protesting for Hamas .
Do they know what happens to gays in Gaza ?
Think base jumping without a parachute
On the topic of
“ Boris Johnson: Former prime minister to host GB News show”,
maybe those who applaud Johnson’s employment at GB News will be waiting to see what he has to say on this separate topic of “ gay people protesting for Hamas” ?
Personally, I don’t give two hoots for Johnson’s opinion on anything (Johnson has proved to me and my family to be untrustworthy in so many matters) so I have no wish to hear his opinions on “Gays in Gaza” or anything else.
That man is a horrible person, pretends he cares about the people, the country HAH, All he cares about is himself and how to get what he wants.
He and his Tory ilk disgust me.
He does where I come from…
I can’t say I’m too keen on Boris though, but I don’t hate him just because the MSM or some lefty woke person tell me I should.
In contrast to the image he carefully constructed of being a fairly harmless, jovial buffoon, more and more evidence is coming out that he was truly evil and self serving
I suspect he’s a psychopath. They have no conscience or morals and are very good at appearing charming to cover that they’re only interested in themselves. And no compunction over lying to get what they want
Because they don’t care about other people’s feelings, psychopaths often cheat on their partner, are promiscuous and use sex to get what they want. Sounds like Johnson?
I think it terrible that he can’t be called to account and prosecuted for what he’s done and that he can’t be stripped of his PM pension
But it’s good that some of the truth is coming out now and I hope he goes down in history as the wicked person he is