Boris Johnson admitted to hospital for routine surgery, leaving Raab in charge

Boris Johnson was admitted to hospital for what No 10 said was a minor and routine operation on his sinuses. The prime minister was put under general anaesthetic and is now resting at home, with Dominic Raab, as deputy prime minister, put in charge of taking any significant decisions while he recovers.

No 10 said the operation was a success and had been scheduled “for a while”. Johnson had been driven to hospital at around 6am on Monday and was returned home by 10am.

The procedure was conducted on the NHS and Johnson was “very briefly” unconscious while he had the general anaesthetic administered, the spokesperson said. They refused to answer questions about whether the prime minister had skipped waiting lists of almost 6.5 million people, saying it was not something they would be “getting into”.

NHS guidance says general anaesthetic can “affect your memory, concentration and reflexes for a day or two, so it’s important for a responsible adult to stay with you for at least 24 hours after your operation”. It adds that patients are advised to “avoid driving, drinking alcohol and signing any legal documents for 24 to 48 hours”.

Well, that came out of the blue … :047:

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He skipped the queue, of course he did. Hope it wasn’t the same nurses who kept him alive for 24 hours a day when “he had covid” :smiley:


I’m surprised Johnson doesn’t have private health care but it sounds like a minor, routine op which many people have had before.

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Skipped the queue?
That’s just yet more synical speculation.

What makes them think he doesn’t go private, anyway? I know I would in his position.
Anycase, has anyone thought that even if he did use NHS, who knows how long he had waited!

I am so tired of all these troublemakers.


The prime minister’s official spokesperson said Mr Johnson went into a hospital in London around 6am on Monday for what was a routine procedure, on the NHS, related to his sinuses.

Oh, his sinuses :rofl:

I was hoping it was a vasectomy or piles, a few NHS staff would have enjoyed helping him out with that …….

Of course it jumped the queue, queues and the laws of the country are for the peasants

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Quite … BJ waits for no-one … :exclamation:

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I always thought his voice was unpleasantly nasal, the Pinocchio effect ? :lying_face::lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:

It won’t make what spews out his mouth any more honest, though :nauseated_face:

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Of course he did, he went private, wouldn’t you if you could?

Did anyone give him a comb while there???

Like I said - you know first hand how long he had been waiting, do you?

No doubt we’ll find out soon enough … :wink:

My ex husband had Sinus problems and he went through such excruciating pain with his.
He had the operation and it wasn’t a nice operation. They packed his nose tightly with soft packing material, which wasn’t so bad…but when they pulled the long packing out it was pure agony.

Yet again… more obsessive gloating by some, at anything to do with Boris Johnson


You missed the word ’ childish’ out just before the ‘obsessive’ bit. :wink:


“by some” - that made me lol! - this snippet of “non-news” has been reported by a lot more than “some” - it has been reported by every national and local media outlet across the UK - it’s probably gone global too!

I very much doubt that any of the many similar ops on other folk have been reported in the News!
When my Sis had her hooded eyelids operated on, it didn’t make the National News - but when Maggie Thatcher had hers done, it was extensively reported on - such is the interest in the minutiae of the PM’s life.

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Word is that The Fat Oaf had a procedure called Functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Apparently it’s to remedy someone who is full of snot. (Not our cat)

We need to be interested in the minutiae of his life, it’s the best way to catch him out on his lies and corruption :rage:

Nah, I don’t think he did, Vlad. Everywhere I’ve read said he had it done on the NHS?

“Johnson’s spokesman, Max Blain, said the prime minister was back at his 10 Downing Street home and resting after the “routine” procedure.

He said the operation had been scheduled in advance and was performed by medics working for the state-funded National Health Service at a London hospital.”

Ahh thanks Maree, stupid bugger he should have gone private I would have, :grinning:

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“I sneezed and so it did not go up my nose. In fact, I may have been doing icing sugar”