Boris Johnson admits having 'absolutely no problem' raising National Insurance amid cost of living crisis

Asked whether families should eat cheaper food, not replace clothes, turn down the thermostat or turn heating off entirely, the Prime Minister said: "People obviously are going to face choices that they are going to have to make.

  • Right then, so we will be seeing BJ in the nearest charity shop, with his recycled shopping bag of yellow sticker food then, yes? :thinking:
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He recycles wives easily enough .
I mean no he gets new ones ,


Ha! true :joy: I wonder if he still pays for all his offspring though…must be feeling the pinch from that, bless him :roll_eyes:

These people have no idea of life other than their own opulence and life styles . How could they know the fear of turning the gas on or thinking twice about putting the oven on to cook a meal . They live in different worlds .

I’ve been cold this week and wrapping up warm and putting the gas fire on lowest setting yet thinking what will I do in the winter?

We are all worried yet we have very little choice

I’m wondering if an oldie could be thrown in prison for not paying their gas or elec bill I believe they arnt allowed to cut us off


Do prisons have central heating ?

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Nobody can be thrown in prison for being unable to afford bills. Crikey, most of the population will be incarcerated! Being poor (or being made poor by your government) is not illegal. I’m just paying what I can afford and arguing the toss on the rest. They make sure they get their profits, so I’m digging my heels in…woolly socks an’ all! :smiley:

That’s BJ for you … :man_shrugging:

He’s wasted billions of pounds of the taxpayers’ money on wasteful COVID testing and useless PPE (in the process feathering the nests of his cronies) and then he wants the taxpayer to stump up for the shortfall in the budget.


I do love the reason that Johnson and the Tories trot out as the main purpose of the increase is to fund bringing the backlog down caused by the COVID pandemic, this was the issue that we were constantly being told that had not overwhelmed the NHS, I beg to differ as the NHS was overwhelmed big time which is why we have a serious backlog.

And how are they going to deal with this backlog as the NHS is still chronically short of staff and beds so who is going to be treating all these millions of patients? Throwing money at the issue is in no way the answer given that the NHS is broken and sticking a plaster on the gaping wound will not help.


No surprise that a wealthy Tory PM doesn’t give a toss about the peasants going cold and hungry, surely?

It’s practically the Tory manifesto :rofl:

That he says it in words just shows his total contempt for the have-nots :rage:

And that having got away with partygate, he thinks he can say and do whatever he wants :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::balance_scale:


Only a couple of years to go before we get rid of them. Hoping there will be riots on the streets before then though! :joy:

Say you want a revolution
We better get on right away
Well you get on your feet
And out on the street"

  • John Lennon

The question is what is going to replace them? Nobody is exactly inspiring confidence though.

True. Where are the extra staff going to magically come from given that they do tend to take several years to train up? Abroad? I think not.

Hi Omah. Genuine question. What testing was wasteful? I ask because you report the figures on a daily basis and am trying to rationalise the two.

That is probably why Boris feels at liberty to do what he’s doing.

Labour? A couple of years to destroy the country completely.
Limp Dems? Who are they?
Greenies? There will be people blocking roads all over the country - legally.
Monster Raving Loonies? Well, now I think about it…

Oh… I think there’s another party, but I can’t remember its name. R- something?

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