Books To Give You A Wake Up Call

I bought these books which have inspired me to do better in relationships.I learnt about compatibility,incompatibility,etc.
Years ago I had to rebuild my life after a bad relationship.The Susan Page book started it all. As I have a disability I have spare time to read so I read self help books.The first 3 photos shows the books that I’ve read lately. I recommend these books.

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Book of Five Rings, ( Go Rin no Sho ) Miyamoto Musashi circa 1674.

Zen in the Art of Archery, Eugen Herrigel.

The Art of war, Sun Tzu.

Not so much a wake up, just made me think about things differently.

Having been married for 47 years, my husband and I haven’t murdered each other yet, so I don’t think we need books on relationships.:mrgreen: