Blooming now!

Has anybody else got roses blooming in January?
I’m sure it should be going through a resting period now. What’s happening to Mother Nature?

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I intended this to be in the Gardening/chat section but the stupid little box popped up, not letting me post until I had chosen a ‘tag’ Then it wouldn’t accept the ‘tag’ had chosen.

Really don’t see the point of these ‘tags’ at all! :confounded:


Beautiful but disturbing. I’m seeing grass that may need mowing but it’s only January. Roses blooming and daffs etc pushing their way out of the ground. Bittersweet.

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My bulbs are also showing growth …


It’s Christmas, it’s Agapanthus time, the ideal plant for the lazy gardner (they grow like a weed). There are very mixed feelings about these plants if they are on public land they rarely get to flower because they are beheaded to stop them getting to seed. In some states they are registered as an invasive species

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How sad - I love Agapanthus - they are so pretty!

Although the plant contains toxins that can make you very sick - herbalists use it medicinally for curing colds an flu. The leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and are used to treat Rheumatism

Tabby, what parts of the plant are toxic please?
As you perhaps know, I have quite a few Agapanthus, and love to see them in bloom, but now you have worried me about the dogs and toxins.
Is it the seeds, stems, or roots that are toxic, and is it if they are eaten or get the sap on you? Ta muchly.

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Bruce, what beautiful displays of these flowers. :+1:

Hi Mups, this link may be useful for you.

Agapanthus (Roots)

I sure wish they would grow like a weed over here. It takes coaxing and special care to get a it to bloom the first time.

Lovely photos of your winter flowering outdoor plants, folks. :+1:

May I add my indoor Amaryllis which bloomed on Christmas day … the blooms are 9" diameter! :grinning:

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lovely Mags. Still waiting for the moment it opens here!

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My window box self seeded mini rose has two blooms on it, I pruned the others not noticing if they were buds at the time.

Found this, Mups -

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Ah, thanks Tabby. I had forgotten they were of the Lilly family, so should have realised they could be toxic.

Mags Thankyou for the info, I will have a good read shortly.

Your Amaryllis are beautiful again, as they are every Christmas. Mine haven’t bloomed yet but I was late planting.
Tell me something though, do you manage to get your bulbs to re-flower the following year, or do you replace them with new ones?


These are the ones by the railway station and opposite the club, they have lost a few heads.


Thanks Mups, I planted my bulb 6 weeks before Christmas,

I have tried to get the bulbs to flower in following years but have had no luck at all.
Do you remember Eileen (Dandysmom) USA used to plant her Amaryllis bulbs in her front garden after flowering? They used to grow and flower every year, she used to have a lovely display of them. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes Mags, I remember someone saying about them blooming outside, but couldnt remember who it was.

I usually have 2 Amaryllis at Christmas, but one just isnt growing right, not putting down strong roots, and i wondered if it was old compost it came with, so have just changed it for some fresher stuff.
The other one i was only given at Christmas so it is only recently been planted, but looks promising already.

I have tried quite a few times to get them to rebloom, but never succeeded as yet.
Perhaps i should read up on planting them outside afterwards, and give that a try.
Its mainly Gertie and her excavation hobby that would concern me though!