Blinking can tell you if the listener is interested

We blink about 15,000 times a day.
Take note of the blinking of the person you are talking to. Rapid blinking? They are interested. Slower blinking? Starting to lose interest so either make the topic more interesting or wrap it up and give them a turn at talking🤭

Most people I talk to have got their eyes closed.


Blinking may also indicate that a person is nervous or stressed.

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What are they thinking if their blinking is on the blink? :smile:


Blink and you miss it :icon_wink:

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My friend Val could talk a glass eye to sleep


Or maybe they are so mesmerized by the conversation or person they forget to blink.


. . . or maybe they have something in their eye while you’re talking. :wink:

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At least while they are still blinking you have their attention, at least to some degree.
It’s when the last thing you see is the back of their head just before they make a quick exit that it becomes apparent that your conversation wasn’t quite as scintillating as it might have been.

Not that that’s ever happened to me of course…yet! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You’d blink quick if Freddy Parrot Face Davies was talking to you at close quarters :smile:

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Very true spitfire :scream:.