Bird books for children

Grace seems very interested in the birds we are seeing at the weekends in Sussex, just wondered if anyone could suggest a book for a 9 year old to identify them, we are doing our best but are failing more often than not to tell her what they each are.

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I have to admit my age. google ? and print .I spy books were my younger years

What about the i-Spy books for Children , ive bought these in the past for my Gran Children and Children

Will reply later about the best field guide I have ever seen.

For a starter book cant go wrong with an I spy book, but the RSPB do several that may fit.

Your local library will be a good starting point, learning about your own patch will give an understanding to explore other aspects of our surroundings. Always glad to hear younger generations taking an interest in their natural world.

This one on Ebay is a bargain, by far the best for identification I have ever seen. I have 2 copies, one to keep indoors and one to take out and about.

Thank you all looks like I will be buying her more than one, we have put a bird table out and are attracting all sorts, then when we go for walks from the site we see others she is fascinated.

Car boot sale and charity shops are good places to find a bargain.

Thanks nom yes we often get them from charity shops they do a good line in DVDs and CDs too.