Big Bob cooked these crisps

Just saw this and thought it was funny. Not sure what it means. Some people in the thread are guessing that it’s the name of the fryer it was cooked in, not a person.


This is ‘Big Bob’ from the film Arachnophobia, enjoy your crisps. :smiley::smiley:
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You’ve gone and done it now…putting legs and Bob in the same post - I can hear Foxy donning his shorts and running towards us even as I write! :joy: He’ll not be eating crisps though oh no, :018:

I think Big Bob (the person) made those crisps, @butterscotch Fryers don’t get names…do they? :thinking:

I looked it up. Big Bob is the father of the guy who started the company. Did he really hand make those crisps? I’m doubtful. But it’s a nice story.

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Aww that is a lovely feel good story! :+1:

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Foxy, Fame at last!

The crisps are a bit out of date, aren’t they? :laughing:

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