Biden Upsets The French LOL

No, I’m sure there must be some decent people living in France.

However, certainly the politicians, the fishermen (who seem to think that they still own our territorial waters) and no doubt the French media all come across as being anti-British.
I suppose that is only to be expected, for two obvious reasons:

  • we, their cash cow, have left their control and obliged them to somehow create their own financial benefits;
  • I believe they are still upset about how we, throughout history, have embarrassed them by beating them in almost every conflict we have had with each other!

(Please note that nowhere in this polite dissertation have I used the word Grenouille, in English!)


We have to differentiate here.

Your average French person is absolutely lovely if you try to speak French to them.

They appreciate it and will help you out.

That is why I like France so much.

The French Government and Civil Servants of high rank are pillocks,

I have dealt with them for years

The rest of the French are great, they appreciate my appalling accent, Yorkshire and French are very difficult companions.

They do however appreciate me trying.

Great times in France, the average person is as annoyed as we are with Politicians, but they do know how to protest.

When we visited our (English) friends in their small house in the Loire valley several years ago, I remember we went boating.
Some of the French girls seemed to be quite amused by my knotted handkerchief on my head, in the style of Monty Python’s Professor Gumby, so they do have a sense of humour.


Upsetting the French is not always a good idea.

“Nasty” Nancy Pelosi?
She’s as bad as Biden.
No sensible person heeds her.

I’m not bothered about a US-UK deal. In fact, I’m growing rather tired of America trying to dictate to us. They may not have noticed, but we are now an independent country.
If they don’t particularly like it, they can take all their military assets from our country and try to get some other country to let them base their military there instead.
I’d also suggest that we could manage quite easily to avoid involving ourselves in their military excursions in the South China Sea and elsewhere.

Actually, I’m not sure from that article what connection there is with us upsetting the French, though I’m not particularly averse to that anyway! :rofl:

Neither Biden or Pelosi understand the GFA or the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Biden always plays up to his 50% Irish heritage but never mentions his 50% English heritage. There again, funding the IRA through NORAID is something he might want to keep quiet about.


The thing about upsetting the French is quite simple.

Firstly, they have our Border in France.

Six months notice and we are out and the Border is in the UK.

Secondly, they are under no obligation at all to sell us electricity.

They can cut it off tomorrow if they want.

It would hurt us far more than it would hurt them.

Third, our new nuclear power stations are due to be built by a Chinese/French Consortium.

They can just pull out if they want.

As regards,the USA, we have to take our Trident missiles for routine maintenance to the USA.

We are also reliant upon them for targeting.

Last, but not least, we have no surveillance satellites, we only have communication satellites.

We are reliant on the USA.

The French hold the Aces on this one.

I wouldn’t have bothered answering but in fairness much of your post is a bit extreme and deserved to have the improbabilities pointed out.

There’s a considerable difference between doing some British immigration checks on French soil and having an actual border in France.

We’re under no obligation to buy from them either and I’m sure the Dutch would love to sell us more electricity than we already buy from them, not to mention that Ireland imports between 8% and 10% of their electricity from us in the UK. See below.

Tell that to the Irish when we flick the “off” switch and tell them that it’s because of their French pals.

We could just kick them out if we want.
Or even just confiscate it as a damages payment.
We would certainly not be inviting them to build more.

Oh no they don’t.
That’s why they’re spitting feathers.


We will have to see who is right on this one.

I can quite accept that I may be wrong, that is life.

I would point out my posts from years ago when I was removed from negotiating with the French for being to aggressive.

Here’s what Daniel Hannan thinks as covered in the comments section of The Telegraph for those that are able to access that:

" France, after all, is one of the few countries in the world capable of projecting global naval force, and has significant territories in the Pacific. Why was it not considered a core ally?

Much of the answer has to do with Macron’s bellicosity towards Britain over the past four years. Again and again, he strained the patience of other EU leaders by picking fights even when there was no European interest at stake. From military satellites to the Irish border, he took up needlessly hardline positions for their own sake.

His objection to equivalence in financial services has arguably hurt EU firms more than it has London banks. His petulant questioning of AstraZeneca’s efficacy fuelled vaccine hesitancy in Africa, and almost certainly caused needless deaths.

On two occasions, first during the Brexit talks and then during the fisheries clash with Jersey, he threatened to cut off cross-channel electricity supplies – the kind of aggression we associate with Vladimir Putin. None of these things, to phrase this as gently as I can, is the act of a reliable ally."


Liz Truss has now weighed in.

All good and well, but not a sensible thing to do.

My take is that the cancellation of the subs contract was less aimed at the French but became necessary in view of the Chinese threat in the Pacific region.


The French have come in for a lot of stick and abuse from the more avid UK Media and they have an election soon.

This may dictate what they do next.

Deservedly so because some of their words directed towards Britain have been pretty apalling recently.

Sir John Redwood says it as it is in his diary blog today:

I don’t know what all the fuss is about anyway, because it was alwaysperfectly obvious that France coudn’t be involved.
Just imagine what the group would be called combing F and AUKUS.

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Well the reality is this.

We cannot operate our Carrier Defense Squadrons without French help.

Our anti aircraft and anti missile destroyers are useless.

Our destroyers cannot operate in warm waters.

We rely on French bases over there to supply us.

The UK has no Militarily Surveillance Satellites, France has.

France has an Independent Nuclear Force, the UK does not.

We are totally dependant on the USA for our missiles.

We cannot even service the missiles or fire control systems ourselves.

We are simply a patsy for the USA.

China and Russia are very wary of France, they know retaliation will be instant and nasty.

They also know that in the event of a first Exchange the UK will be the target.

The USA will protect itself, not us.

The reality speaks volumes.

The UK has no Land Based anti Ballistic Missile Systems.

Israel has, it has the very effective Iron Dome System, supplied by the USA to them but not us.

That is the reality of the situation.

Yes really.
Personally I would rather go with what’s happening and the reality of the here and now as seen by Sir John Redwood and many others than go with the opinion of a disgruntled faceless person on an anonymous internet forum.

If somebody really just wants to be disgruntled that’s fine as is having a different opinion, but IMHO life is too short to devote any more of it in grumbling ineffectually.

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Turns out Macron can’t recall his ambassadors from Australia and USA now because his foreign policy is governed by the EU and they don’t support it :lol:

You couldn’t make this up.

I always thought, when you leave a Club, the first thing to do is cancel your Subs.