Bicycles not allowed

As there is a lot more traffic on the roads now covid virus is not so prevelant there are more motor vehicle using the roads.
Because of this where there are cycle lanes these are being shortened everywhere in the UK. So the government now advise those wanting to use a pushbike get a unicycle instead of the usual 2 wheel type. By using a unicycle this will allow more space between one bicycle and the other infront or behind. Due to these new regulations manufactures are now only allow to make unicycle to comply with the new legistration. Anyone still with a 2 wheel version are asked to get them modified to a unicycle and avoid a heavy fine

And because unicycles only have one wheel they are direct drive and donā€™t need a chainā€¦Iā€™ll see if I can find a ā€˜Linkā€™ā€¦

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ā€¦as I suspected. April 1st already.

EZ do you remember this one, Mother Superior says to two Nuns, ā€œIf you two donā€™t stop arguing over that bicycle, Iā€™m going to put the saddle back on itā€ :grin: :icon_wink:


Hmmm me thinks this comes from the same source as the small planes short cabin crew :joy:

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Hey there RS, donā€™t knock the ole unicycle ā€¦ I had great fun with mine and youā€™d be surprised how that contraption attracted young ladies in droves; especially when juggling balls as well

You didnā€™t wear a jockstrap then?

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You must be Christmas Crackered :wink:

Never, itā€™s mind boggling. :laughing: