Bettany Hughes appropriate dress?

I found Richard deeply offensive, but that was nothing to do with his knickerlessness.

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In that heat with all the possible fly-strikes? Best done under wraps or inside out of the way . .:wink::+1:

Wasn’t he the one who admitted filching a bottle of scotch from a supermarket somewhere?

I think he claimed he had “forgotten” to pay for them, but it wasn’t the first time he had made that mistake.

He comes over as such a smug bug. (IMO)

I wonder if men would be too busy eyeing up the boobs to even care what she’s talking about . Be honest, men just can’t help themselves where there is a big boobied female.

I even find myself drawn to her knockers , im not lesbian, honest lol

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He doesnt wear underbags? Glad he’s got trousers on!

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I’ve never been attracted to big boobs. Anything more than a handful is a total waste in my opinion. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Please do not class all men as breast fanatics. They do not spark much in me, but the female rump is a completely different proposition. A well proportioned, well carried rear is definitely appreciated by me. I think it’s what my grandfather used to refer to as child bearing hips.

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Along with finely turned ankles encased in seamed stockings and you’ve got me drooling. :rofl:

Ankles?! During my early years spent wenching through village & town, the last thing I noticed was a filly’s ankles 
sheesh man, ankles did nothing for me! Maybe stocking tops and those twangable suspenders whilst twirling during a jive, now they might provoke asking for a date.

A completly gratuitous picture of Bethany. :smiley::smiley:

Lovely Eyes.

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You took the words right out of my mouth.:smiley::smiley:

Perhaps, she collects the tea money at work and needs somewhere to tuck the notes!

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