Best Cities to visit by Time Out

No such much Dingbats as just clues. These cities are all listed in Time Outs recent list of the best cities to visit worldwide.

  1. Bedurgh
  2. Fashionable in the past
  3. Miss Leith hides the silver
  4. Playboy in late spring
  5. Young lady admits doctor
  6. Sounds like farewell to mother
  7. Holy man in blessing
  8. Ron is really into the little black dog
  9. Mr Trotter, hello!
  10. Then in as it’s done!
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  1. Edinburgh
  2. Chicago
    6 Mumbai
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  1. Delhi

3 - Prague

All five right. They’re a bit easier if you have the online list from a few days ago. The content and ranking of the list is a bit surprising.

  1. Madrid

  2. San Francisco

  3. Toronto

Well done ruthio but with number 7 you’ve got the right country but the wrong city…


  1. Playboy in the early spring (might have got this wrong first time round!)
  2. Holy man in blessing
  3. Then in as it’s done.

Sao Paulo for 7. ?
Though goodness knows why!

  1. Marrakesh?

Rubio - I was using the spelling from Time Out - Mar[rake]ch but got my seasons a bit wrong.

Number 7 is a city in the NE USA.

I thought number 10 was the easiest but I maybe confused it with the bit at the end…

Absolutely stumped!

Blessing can mean something other than what a holy man might do.

Got it! BOSTON!! :sweat_smile:

Well done ruthio!

Just one left:

  1. Then in as - it’s done!

The penny has dropped

Well done for persisting ruthio :grinning: :clap:


  1. Edinburgh
  2. Chicago
  3. Prague
  4. Marrakech
  5. Madrid
  6. Mumbai
  7. Boston
  8. Toronto
  9. Delhi
  10. Athens

Thanks for participating :grinning:

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