Bercow Booted Out

@PixieKnuckles , Well lots of things have happened since Pixie which
were nothing to do with BREXIT, e,g, covid, going green, and Ukraine,
so the BREXIT effect has been somewhat masked ?
But l would say that our lives have remained much the same as before,
which is to be expected as we did not get the full monty when we left ?
We still have virtually the same trading arrangements in place,
Which removes the incentive to seek other suppliers etc which was what
us brexiteers expected to happen??
It seems the establishment is unwilling to take the crucial step ??
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

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(Apologies to the OP for talking about Brexit rather than Bercow)

If Bercow is being discussed brexit is bound to come up. The speaker in the commons should be impartial.


The news about denying John Bercow a privileged Pass for the House of Commons made me laugh! :rofl:

Is it likely to bother him? When was the last time Bercow went into the House of Commons?
Considering he resigned as Speaker and stopped being an MP in November 2019, I don’t suppose he considers refusing him entry to HoC is much of an inconvenience!

If the Verdict about his bullying behaviour to Civil Servants means that the staff who alleged he bullied them may receive appropriate compensation or job reinstatement, then good for them.
Otherwise, the “refusing a Pass to the HoC” to a retired MP is not much to write home about - I think Bercow had already had his greatest punishment for trying to go up against the Brexit lobby - he didn’t get the “pass” into the House of Lords that Speakers of the House usually receive when they retire from the HoC.

I can’t say I was keen on Bercow’s performance as Speaker - he was too pompous and sarcastic for my taste and too free with his expenses at our expense - but nobody is “all bad” or “all good” (in my opinion)
In his professional and personal life, Bercow did some things I approved of and some things I disapproved of.

I just wish that Parliament could boot out the serial bullies and serial liars that are still MPs now - get rid of them while they are still in a position to do damage - waiting until they have already left office to take them to task is like bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

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Some fantastic news on a gloomy day.

He is a vertically challenged, bigheaded, jumped up little fool. He loved the sound of his own voice and how he ever hung on to his job I will never know because as Speaker he is supposed to be impartial but he never was and did all he could to try and stop Brexit.

Even his own wife seemed to dislike him because she had an affair with one of his relatives and even enjoyed spending her time with the King of the Gypsies, Paddy Doherty rather than him.


What?? :scream: I never knew that!

[quote=“PixieKnuckles, post:2, topic:89751, full:true”]
Oh I liked him though…yes he was an odious little man, but he was funny![/quote]

Does having limited ability amuse you then?


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It does when it comes to attempts at humour :joy:

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Excellent news!
Unfortunately, his sights are set not on the Commons, but on the Lords!
I certainly hope he doesn’t get in there either.

Yes google them. Hilarious pics of her and Paddy. She looks far happier with him than she ever did with her old man.

The affair she had was with Bercow’s millionaire cousin.

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Let me turn that question on its head. What are the perceived benefits of staying in the EU? None that I can see.


Absolutely. I look forward to some responses to that which are begging to be corrected… or laughed at!


Well being part of Europe is all I have known, and the stories about “pre-Europe” were pretty horrendous in all honesty. Things seem to have changed for the positive when everyone joined up, so that is what I based my vote on at the time. :woman_shrugging:

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Except that we were conned and suckered into joining the EEC (Common Market), but not before France and Germany laid out everything for their benefit. The CAP, for example, benefitted France, while Germany laid claim to engineering.

Incidentally, the constant strikes and three-day weeks happened after we joined the EEC and continued until Maggie took charge. If things had remained as a trading block instead of unelected bureaucrats feathering their nests, trying to make Europe into one big superstate at the expense of all countries who were foolish enough to join all may have been well. Some only joined (were bribed?) of course to leech off those countries who were financing the whole rotten edifice, the UK in particular being a major contributor. The EU is feeling the pinch now that the UK teat has dried up.


Positive in what way? Do tell…

I digress…

Still pissing myself about Bercow being thrown out on his ear.

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Yes, stop digressing and get back on topic while I think of a way to reply :smiley:

Loving the way a thread about Bercow bullying his staff has turned into a history lesson of Brexit! :rofl:

Let it go! Let it go! the past is in the past


@PixieKnuckles , That’s ok Pixie, Bercow was was a major factor in the
Battle for BREXIT so he and BREXIT are the same thing really?
The article you quoted reinforces the opinion l was trying to express that
BREXIT was never completed the way it should have, and it was never
intended to be completed that way on the first place ?
This due to the fact that at least 75% of parliament were vehemently
against BREXIT !! Allthough this was against the wishes of the majority!!
Lt took an election which had an overwhelming majoriity for BREXIT to
cause them to pretend they were for it all along so as to keep their jobs as
politicians!Unfortunately most of them only did their job half heartedly with
the result we got all the cock ups we did !
Did you notice how many ministers resigned or were sacked or moved
during BREXIT ?
Well, they were the true brexiteers that the Tories moved out of the way
to enable the so called 'soft ’ BREXIT we have now !!
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

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Ahh see now, I didn’t delve deep enough to find out about the “hard” or “soft” Brexit, so you know more about that than I do. I got as far as “I don’t want to leave Europe, and I think they are lying about how great Brexit will be” before voting. :woman_shrugging: But I agree with you about what an absolute pigs ear they have made of it all, and I do believe they are (in some perverse way) grateful for the little side hustles we have had to deal with over the last few years that will distract us from what a $hit$storm it all is.