Is stepping down, thank goodness I say, I find him really arrogant.
What a shame, he’s done OK for Labour and seems like a decent enough bloke.
But good thinking to go while he’s still youngish, there’s too many old men blokes hanging around in politics, let the youngsters have a go
He’s always done alright challenging Johnson on his broken Brexit promises, so well done him, let’s hope others carry on that good work, more power to their elbow
Arrogance? I don’t see it
But if he did have his moments surely it’s nothing compared to Johnson’s arrogance in believing the rules don’t apply to him, only us peasants?
And being arrogant enough to think it’s OK for him to party while the rest of us can’t see our dying relatives or go to their funerals?
Or being arrogant enough not to resign once he’s been caught out?
Maree I live in Devon so see a lot of him on our local TV and he’s always lecturing. Even if I agreed with everything he said, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to vote for him due to his tone, he talks down to people.
There are worse things a politician can do
But some people still vote for them……