Bedside candleholders: stylish or a fire hazard?

Bedside candleholders: stylish or a fire hazard?
What do you think?

Having a naked flame near a bed is definitely a fire hazard, especially if unattended/asleep and no way would I contemplate having one.


Also, if you intend having a naked flame in the bedroom, it could burn oxygen unnecessarily.

An electric light resembling a candle is erm stylish.


The candleholder is not the fire hazard, it’s the lighted candle in the holder that could be.


I am not so sure about that. Many years ago my Swedish sister in law had a wooden candle holder which ,when the candle burned down, the wax soaked wood burned beautifully.

Swedish design eh?

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Perfectly safe.

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Absolutely a hazard.

I get weird thoughts sometimes and I don’t have anyone to run it by so I’m grateful to you all for your wonderful contributions. I just got here but I love being a part of this community


Fire hazard.

Deffo a fire hazard Justturned50! :fire:
Having said that I’m a bit of a candle saddo, I love them. I have the ordinary candles, scented candles, tea light candles to melt my scented wax blocks, not to mention my incense sticks and cones! I just don’t leave any of the above unattended :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Oh…and welcome to the forum!

When you get to 74 anything naked in the bedroom is a no no JT50… :009:
Good to see you posting on the forum, long may it continue…