Beautiful nails

Mine have been damaged for a long time. I had chemo also, 10 years ago, maybe that is what happened to mine also Julie.

Thanks for telling me that, now I have something to go on. I will have to do some research, there must be something I can do to improve my nails…

O.P.I Nail Envy is a pretty good topical treatment WB, just paint it on daily for 3 or 4 days then remove it and start again

I always use Sally Hansens Hard as Nails as well. Have done since the 70s as it really does make the nails hard so less liable to bending and splitting

Use gloves when doing any housework, esp when hot water is involved. Don’t use acetone to remove any nail polish either as it dries the nails out even further. Get in the habit of rubbing an oil into them daily as well, just whilst you sit and watch a soap you like

Thanks Missy, I will check and see if we can get that O.P.I. Nail Envy around here. I know we have Sally Hansens products…

Yes, I will rub oil on them too, my nails are so dry…

for you Missy … big hugs :hug:

Blue x

Always do my nails myself but have been getting lazy and having a tight schedule… I prefer pale pink or nude colours since they are so easy to dress with.