Beating Boredom Driving on Straight Roads

I think I have found the answer to driving on straight roads.

Recently I was on a straight road:

There is always the danger of losing concentration but this could be the solution

I think it might catch on.


Clever, but Isn’t that a little risky if some kangaroo or the like takes a sudden stroll across the road?

Self-driving cars will eventually come to us all, but on my 15 hours trips to Kansas where the roads are likewise as straight, if not listening to an audiobook, I have found that singing obnoxiously loud do Spotify playlists does the trick.

Seriously, though, what is the longest stretch you have done in that part of the country?

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Behave Bruce :joy:


On second look, I think you are missing an ottoman.

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Laughing here…oh the temptation! I used to drive from L.A. to Vancouver…and listened to audio books… there are stretches of the I5 I cannot remember…

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Boredom when driving on Straight Roads isn’t something we have a problem with here in Yorkshire :rofl::joy::wink:


We don’t have this problem, either. It’s the exact opposite for us.
Never-ending winding roads and hilly areas can be very frustrating.

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There’s lots of dead straight roads in Africa but you’ve got to keep your wits about you because it’s like playing dodge ball with the potholes :hole:

Calvinia, Northern Cape


We have a lot of very straight Roman roads built by the lost 9th Legion who went left instead of right when leaving Gaul.


I drove OTR for over 12 year here in the US. Covered all of the lower 48 and all of the major Interstate roads along with most of the minor US routes. I kept awake listening to Art Bell, Coast to Coast AM and to Sirius XM. Audiobooks also played a part. Nevertheless, I was never the one to have my feet kicked up on the dashboard reading a newspaper or watching a movie, like what I saw from fellow drivers.

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Oh the potholes, we love those, there all over the place​:smiley::joy:.

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Ah, yes, just like children, they grow so fast :rofl:

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They do indeed :rofl:

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If all roads were straight there would be no need for a steering wheel. Pure simple logic at its best🥴