Basic computer problems

Just an honest question Azure…Do you allow upgrades? And what Operating System do you use?

Absolutely Longdogs, people buy a car, they don’t need to know how it works or to keep taking it into the garage for updates. As long as it’s reliable and keeps the rain off their heads great!

There might be more truth in what Realist says than we give him credit for. Every time someone buys a new computer or purchases the new all singing all dancing operating system, they are paying someone’s wages at Microsoft. They don’t want your computer to last a long time, so they develop a new Operating System, and guess what? Not only are you paying for the new O/S but you find you can’t run half the stuff on it that you used to be able to.

Some car manufacturer once proclaimed that they make more money from selling the spare parts than they do from selling the new vehicles…

I don’t mind people who know the inside out’s of computers on forums spreading the love…But please don’t frighten the average user with tales of fire and brimstone and make them go out and buy the latest software and security devices when, as Mart says…You probably will never need them. It’s a bit like insurance, you can’t insure everything, you have to draw the line somewhere and it might work out cheaper to take a hit.

Kind of like that OGF but not exactly. Windows updates don’t involve extra cost the way annual insurance policies for other products do, so I’m not sure the quote above is a simile.

To draw another one: Not updating Windows might be comparable to a car that you drive until it goes wrong, then it gets attention. Updating Windows is like having the regularly serviced (even though it has no faults) to hopefully avoid problems occurring.

Heck! Maybe that simile doesn’t work either. :slight_smile: Not having an aversion to Windows 10 updates, I just do them and our computers work well …apart from the Linux Mint one of course. This gets its own updates when they are flagged up as available (almost daily). This system works OK too. Handy to be a bit familiar with Linux in case I ever feel like permanently changing platforms.

I seem to remember some instances of cars having to be “called back” to the dealers to have problems fixed.

I would argue that that is normally the same process as PC updates. Customers discover car problems, Manufacture spots that a lot of customers are complaining, calls the cars in for a fix.

German Car makers seem to do this a bit more than others!


Good point Ted, but car manufacturers recall vehicles for safety issues. If they were seen to ignore a safety issue and someone died as a result the lawyers would have a field day. I doubt whether receiving updates for faulty software would have the same result if ignored. I also wonder why a vehicle or software has been allowed to be sold to public before it’s finished.

So you’ve stuck with your 405 line black and white valved TV have you? Good on yer, I admire such persistance.

Not on your Nellie Bruce, I love new technology but I don’t like someone sending me updates and accessing my computer under the pretence of ‘Fixing’ faults that are not apparent to me. So guess what? I have never accepted updates and my puter is still doing everything I ask of it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

I haven’t the foggiest idea what sort of things are contained in updates, and so I don’t allow all and sundry to send me them…

Have you heard the story about ‘The Trojan Horse’ Bruce ? All sorts of things can sneak through with your ‘updates’ There are some very unscrupulous, but very clever hackers out there, and they can install spyware or viruses along with your ‘updates’ and you would never know that they can observe everything you do on your puter.

My philosophy exactly, OGF.

Even though you don’t install updates, it is possible to find out what’s in them. Then again, if you don’t believe what Microsoft says is in updates, I suppose the page linked to below won’t be of interest.

Wasting your time Mart, Luddites will never learn!

The reason that new systems have teething problems is because they are not fully tested before launch. They too desperate to get them on the market and grab people’s money.

I would have thought you were a supporter of Luddites?

That’s nice! But can you pick the ones you want? :mrgreen:

And why do they take so bl**dy long to install?

I read there is an addition to the system that might make this possible (not tried personally) but if you already have ‘a downer’ on Windows 10 and its updates, is it worth going further? Probably not. :mrgreen:

You don’t really have many intelligent thoughts, do you?

I have said before, that if MS made it possible for us to choose which of their offerings to download, I’d almost certainly do it.

For now, though, my computer is problem free and so I don’t feel the need to change anything.

That’s good JBR. Happy Birthday. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

21 today!

Can I do a little bit of nit picking, OGF?

I respect your views but two things stick out about what you said here:-

  1. Did not the malware barstewards knock out some NHS Hospital systems very recently? I’m surprised that no one suffered any extra hurt from that one. All the problems appear to have been because the NHS systems were lacking in updates.

  2. They don’t sell their platform packages (E.G. Windows)to the public. They lease them to the public. The ownership remains with MS, or whoever. So when you get the package you have to use a licence key to open it on your pc. That might not seem to be a big issue but it is the way it works.
    That means that the licensing key is what you pay for.