Balloon destroyed by USAAF

An overreaction by US, says China.

A super Jet, deflating a Balloon, what is going on?

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This has been going on for days and I’ve largely ignored it … poor balloon it flew in from Canada.

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Indeed, all planes cancelled. Force majeure - it was an accident. Left relations between them deflated.

There could only be one outcome ,there was no way America could let it continue on its journey .And the way it was brought down was the right one .
Sends out a message to not send anymore .

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There is something fishy about this whole media circus…
The Americans can track an asteroid billions of miles out in the depths of space…
They have surveillance satellites that can identify someone walking along a street in Moscow…
And even describe the newspaper he is reading…
Their secret service are responsible for some of the most unbelievable events in recent history…
You are not allowed to enter the United States if you have not been vaccinated against covid, or your political affiliations are the wrong ones…
But, a Chinese surveillance balloon can waft in on the wind unobstructed…
And, why has such a sensitive issue been allowed to be posted in the world media?


What did 99 Red Balloons mean?

As it turned out, “99 Red Balloons,” as it was now called, was, of all things, a protest song In the lyrics, a boy and girl innocently release a batch of balloons into the air; confused by these flying objects, international governments panic, triggering a nuclear holocaust.




Don’t worry @OldGreyFox absolutely nothing to worry about. Turns out it wasn’t a Chinese balloon after all, just an elaborate gender reveal balloon for a Carolina couple

It’s a girl!


Balloons are free spirits, they just go with the flow, there must be better options if someone fancy’s a nosoch :smiley:

This may be true, then again… :zipper_mouth_face:

Some pics of the balloon recovery

What that means we can only wait and see.

Lets hope they make something interesting up Cinders…

Warwickshire is at the epicenter of the Spy Balloon world, I will make it my duty to keep an eye on them. :grin: