Australia is going backwards

Certainly. Nothing beats lived experience but it’s a restricted view as well.

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and you have clear evidence of this not just anecdotal??

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Clear evidence of what?
Our homeless problem is growing daily. People are being evicted in large numbers.
Single mothers living in cars. Elderly people becoming homeless
Housing estates being knocked down for developers to build more expensive accommodation.
People above 50 years old struggling to find employment.
It is rife if one wants to look but most people avert their eyes, don’t see it, not happening.

yea but ya could just be makin all of that up ?? - got on stats??

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Wow, “making it up” not going any further with this.

well unless you can provide irrefutable truths no not goin any further for sure??

I was curious about homelessness in Australia after Brets post so I Googled it…blimey you really do have a problem…obviously its not the land of milk and honey it used to be.


£10.00 only goes so far!! :icon_wink:

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Your unmarried mums have cars?.. theres posh, isnt it?
sorry Bret, i think your country is still following the UK
selling all its resources to the highest bidder? sounds very conservative to me
we all need a government with the balls to take our services back…today… not tomorrow. the company that empties our bins is French for goodness sake, we the people own nothing it has all been sold to their cronies… in the sixties all public services were public owned, now non are, has anyone seen any improvement in the said services ??? nope they have all been asset stripped and are now praying to be taken back into public control… we are all doomed.

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This is true of all countries following the WEF net zero bullshit and handing over pandemic controls to the WHO.

The Great Reject is underway and it’s already had success in the Netherlands and now spreading to France, Hungary, Poland and the UK. We see more centre right parties gaining traction (especially in Italy) and with the USA elections and UK elections next year there is a huge opportunity for a massive blow back.

The USA is trying to push a bill through the House to stop USA funding the WHO and WEF… I wish them all the best

The push back on big tech censorshipis now a huge threat thanks to Elon Musk buying out Twitter, allowing free speech on one of the biggest social media platforms. Even yesterday I saw that in Australia the maiden speech by John Ruddick was censored on YouTube.

Thankfully we have other outlets where his message can still get across.


I’m surprised that people don’t see a pattern emerging here, not Just Australia, but several other supposedly free countries. What you are witnessing is certainly a global trend orchestrated by the few. “GIVE me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” So said Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

What’s our nation debt again?

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Fast going backwards. Decades of treating the unemployed/poor/welfare dependent as scum and we have this problem.
Which can be fixed but too many of the unaffected people do not want to get involved.
“I have a job, roof over my head, no debts not my problem”
As I say, no one to bat for these people. They are left to a life of misery and destitution.
Both major parties treat the down and outs with disdain.


The unemployed, poor and welfare dependent (including military vets) over here are treated worse than illegal migrants, entering out country undocumented, taking advantage of the ECHR, and the modern slavery act (brought in by Theresa May and funnily enough nobody talks about this.

While these illegals get priority and free dentistry, NHS care, accommodation and money, those born here get put on the waiting list. Make no doubt about it, most of these illegals are dangerous people who want to do nothing to our country but harm. The big question is where do they get the £££££s to pay the people traffickers ???

Try politicised NGOs using money donated by western governments through tax payer funded grants and billionaire donors such as Soros and the Open Society.

I’ll put good money on me being right.

You might ask why this is happening … the answer is simple, to tear western democracies apart from the inside, starting with denationalising them, then civil war and terrorism.


you are talking absolute rubbish - havin a good life in UK ya gotta be joking - come to oz and enjoy the sun and beaches and we’ll feed ya to the sharks!!

Who is this an answer to Gummy?

all of us poms who were too tight to splash a tenner…

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I’d splash out a tenner on a two way ticket. I have no intention of staying there.

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We have got a Labor government at the moment so not everything is geared into filling the bank accounts of Liberal fund raisers.It won’t last though.

I’d love to visit,
There’s no way I could endure the lengthy flight, claustrophobia would render me insane.

Good snorkeling though :+1:

Ok probably better with air!

Give us a shout, when you have a Labour Government :grin: