Aussie meat pie recipe

1 onion finely chopped
500g high quality beef mince
1 cup water**(250 ml)**
2 beef stock cubes
1/4 cup, 60 ml, tomato sauce - Ketchup
2 tsp (teaspoon) Worcestershire sauce
1 pinch salt and pepper to taste
3 tbs (teaspoon) plain flour
1 sheet shortcrust pastry
1 sheet puff pastry
1 egg to glaze
Cook meat and onion in frypan until meat is well browned.
Add 180 ml water, stock cubes, sauces and seasonings.
Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
Blend flour and the remaining water, add to meat, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Cool.
Line a 20 cm, 8" pie plate with the shortcrust pastry.
Spoon in the cooled meat mixture. Moisten edges of pastry with water.
Top with puff pastry, pressing down to seal the edges, trim and glaze with egg.
Bake at 230 C, 450 F, for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 190 C, 375 F, and bake for a further 25 minutes until golden.
Serve with Tomato Sauce, Ketchup :smile:

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Sounds nice but a lot of effort…

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It is the effort that makes it special. Everything is better homemade. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am sure that is true but I can’t be bothered to cook unless I make stuff in bulk. Otherwise I am strictly a microwave or rice cooker man though it has to be said that my air fryer gets a reasonable run these days. The latter is good for getting crispy pastry on frozen pies when they come out of the microwave

Somewhere in my cupboards is a Breville pie maker that I used to make pies (meat or fruit) for my kids when they were young.

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@Bretrick What’s Roo meat like?

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I have never, and would never eat our National Emblematic Animal. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Recipe should read - 3 tablespoons plain flour.

You should do a kilo of mince, another onion or two, and you’ve got Spag Bol for another day.

Nice to know you are doing your own cooking. Sounds tasty.

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I’ve tried it once, a very rich flavour as I remember, I’d love to get experimental with Roo steaks! :yum:


Would kangaroo meat be ok? Then you would be jumping with delight on how it tasted. Hopping on and off a bus then is so much easier

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You can buy roo meat in the supermarket, I get it a few times a year. I think it is a very nice meat even better than venison and likewise fat free. Still BBQ meat at the drop of a hat.

I should add that I no longer get venison as my SiLs parents have sold their property and bought a suburban house so no more deer culls. :sob:


Yes, I remember thinking roo meat tasted kind of classy and expensive if I could put it that way :+1:

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