Aussie government supports release of Julian Assange

Australian federal MPs – including the prime minister and cabinet members – have voted overwhelmingly to urge the US and the UK to allow the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to return to Australia.

The independent MP Andrew Wilkie hailed the passage of the motion, 86 votes in favour and 42 against, as “an unprecedented show of political support for Mr Assange by the Australian parliament”.

About bloody time too. He is a journalist doing what journalists do.

The Coalition voted against the motion put to the Parliament by Andrew Wilkie but one member crossed the floor

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A fair analysis of Julian Assange and his legacy

Extradition to the US is equivalent to exradition to Russia or North Korea or any other country that is unhappy that someone has made a negative political statement or released confidential media/documents about that country. Would we send someone to Russia or North Korea?