At the end of your life

… do you intend for your remains to be buried or cremated?
I intend to be cremated and then for my ashes to be left at the two places most significant to me. My funeral was paid for many years ago with specific instructions as to how the ‘service’ will be conducted. Strictly no flowers (poor things​:cry:) and no black mourning dress without exception; only bright colours to be worn :ok_hand:

What made me start this topic off? I was listening to a Medieval Byzantine Chant (Capella Romana) from Mount Saini. The Service Of The Furnace, which reminded me of all those gassed and burnt by the Nazi filth.

We have a plot in a cemetery near my late son.
I don’t know if I will be buried or cremated depends where I am in the world .
My funeral is already paid for .
I have asked that the Suo Gan and The Rose be played at my funeral . It does of course depend on whosoever organises it I won’t be there .
I’m not Welsh it’s just so beautiful.


Not having a funeral or, indeed, any form of service. Will come back and haunt anyone who organises either!


What have you arranged Tabby?

Left my body to medical science, Carol. They keep it and do what they will with it for three years - then quietly dispose of what is left. When the papers were drawn up there was an option of having the remains returned to the family for funeral - but I said no to that.

Besides the obvious sadness I remember that clearing my parents’ house and sorting their affairs was fairly involved and took a while… and my wife says the same sort of thing about her side

So besides our wills in which we leave our estates to each other or our children, depending on who is left after our deaths, we have both written a ‘Death Letter’ for relatively minor items (my LP collection, leatherwork tools, and so on) with suggested homes & destinations so they won’t just be chucked in a skip.
Also a file of account numbers, certificates & documents, that sort of thing

As far as funeral arrangements go my wife would like to be buried in the graveyard in the village where she was born, with a proper funeral service, a family tradition

I’m an atheist and a bit more cold blooded, and have left instructions that i will go for organ donation (if there’s anything worth having!) followed by a direct cremation with no fuss or ceremony; I have lost touch with most of my family & friends anyway

But if those I leave behind want to get together for a few drinks, that’s OK with me.

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I’m being buried at sea, all are welcome to walk on my grave. :grinning:

The wife and I have said we will be cremated and the ashes will left for the crematorium to scatter.

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As I posted, I have asked for a direct cremation, which means no fuss or mourners or service, but I just thought I’d mention that I have been to a couple of humanist funerals
I’d thought about that for myself, but went for direct

They were very pleasant (for want of a better word) and dignified

I will be buried at the 13c church in the Glos village where generations of the d00ds lie. This song will be played, then drinks in the pub down the road.

I opted for the same as Zuludog, direct cremation with no fuss an bother. The family can get together at a later time and do what they feel like doing. No doubt it will be when everything is all settled and sorted.

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I shall be having a Humanist funeral, followed by cremation and my ashes interred with those of my late wife in our plot in the local cemetery.

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I am another who has left my body to science. There are circumstances where they could reject my body, in which case, I have requested a simple paupers funeral.

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I’m having a direct cremation, I don’t want the kids to go through all the misery and fuss of a funeral, that’s not me

I’ve told them to scatter my ashes in two places I love and my soul will linger and then just to think of me smiling when they are having a laugh and a good time

It will at Tintagel in Cornwall and in the Thames by Westminster bridge

And I’ve given them strict instructions: At Tintagel they’re just to drop me in the sea by the shore and not to try to chuck me over the cliff ‘cos it’s windy up there and I’ll get blown back all over them :rofl:

And at Westminster just to go down the steps and sprinkle me in the water, don’t try to throw me off the bridge and onto a boat full of Japanese tourists!

I hope they’ll remember that and it makes them smile! :rofl:



I am another one who is having a direct cremation, no service of any kind.

I have also listed the contents of the house and what certain things are worth and the best place to sell them.

I do not want any fuss at all.


Burial for me, which has been noted in my Will. My sister and BiL have opted for a direct cremation. I wonder if they do the same for burials, so that saves everyone spending 2-3 hours driving up here! For when I go.

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When I decided to opt for a prepaid job, a direct cremation was not available and after some lengthy discussions with my four daughters, I decided to go against what most Jews opt for (burial) and I’ll be cremated. If many of my once faithful beliefs were sent en route via gas chambers and cremation ovens, then that route out of this existence is also the way I wish to go. No religious ceremony for me, only a brief reference to my achievements and then I leave the audience to a lone piper playing Flowers of the Forrest. I chose that music as my forefathers originally settled in Scotland with a name change from Levi or Levy meaning the son of the fisher; changed again to English when relocating to London.

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Cremated and then my ashes scattered onto the River Severn at Bridgnorth to be looked after by the Roman Goddess Sabrina (aka Hafren, the Welsh Goddess). Already paid for years ago. No flowers, donations only to the Sally Army and The Samaritans. Couldn’t give a monkey’s how people dress - after all I won’t be there to see them will I?


Well said Percy-Vere ! I attended a funeral wearing a red & white dress, because the person who died always liked me in that dress.
You never know he may have been watching me ! :wink:

I don’t care what happens to my remains after I’m dead.
Maybe I should make some kind of request to save my son and executor the bother of deciding but my son knows I don’t care.
I’ve signed up as a Donor. to leave any bits of me that may be of any use to anyone - but at my age, I doubt any body parts will very useful!
Whatever my son decides will be for the peace of mind of himself and the family - none of us really care about corporeal remains - we all think along the same lines - once you’re gone, you’re gone - all that’s left of you is in the love and memories of those you leave behind.

My preference is to have no grave to stand and weep beside - but if he thinks differently, I don’t mind.

Goodness what a topic it’s being so cheerful that keeps us going :slight_smile: