ASMR, a certain tingling sensation I find exciting

I have what some deem to be an infliction, but I find my infliction to be fantastic. Its known as ASMR and when I play my Ibanez guitar cranked right up with tube screamer deployed, the sensations are no way felt like an infliction.
I was wondering if any other members experience ASMR?

I think so … like shivers down your spine with tears of unbelievably joy in your eyes. Caused by a stonking tune of old like you’ve never heard it before.

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Yep, that just about sums it up …welcome to the club.

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Yes I do…and its calming and relaxing. Its nothing to do with sexual arousal as some would have you think :roll_eyes: Whispering, playing with hair, that kind of thing. Soft fluffy things too…tactile. Some music can get me having goosebumps too.

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Oh no Pix, certainly not sexual in any way and those goosebumps are a sure sign your in the club too … no, not that club, the ASMR one :grin::+1:

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Oh Yes - this does it for me - every time!

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OOO000oooo I see what you mean​:loud_sound::zap::point_right::+1:

This one hits the spot too:-

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This sends shivers down my spine. Its called Kulning, a type of Swedish herding call for cattle or other livestock. Go to .50 secs in…


Oh my word Pixie, that drew an instant response in me, starting with my head, just behind my ears, and then travelling down my neck, shoulders, and down my spine. I’m sure if I could have twisted my head round, I’d have had the hairs down my back standing on end!


Its just so pure isn’t it? I get that response too! :joy:


I’m with you Pix and already converted as I’m marred to a Swede. They seem to have away with sound and sliding from major to minor also adds to it.


Its magical LD…I have no words.

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This song gets me every time.


Here the cows come to her …


That is absolutely magical @LongDriver :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Another one that does it for me, every time. This provokes one of the strongest responses in me.

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I think that’s Johanna Jinton…another Swedish woman. I was looking for her when I came across the other lady. Fantastic sound again, with the cow bells. Oh I wish I could sing…

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Love this!! Beautiful voice!

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It’s never too late to train your voice Pix

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Thank you LD…it is for me…surgery put paid to any tunefulness I may have had. I speak perfectly well, but throw a tune in there and its like Mongolian throat singing! :joy: