Asked For Opinions Please

Which one do you prefer?..

These two standard lamps were given to me as gifts…

On the left, the red one…more versatile if not all that pretty

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Yep, I agree with Lucy the one on the left, the one on the right is a bit fussy, and, pauline, would you mind straightening the picture in the background. :icon_wink:


Another vote for the one on the left.


Me to, red one.


I can’t have that, you know what a clean freak I am, I must be slipping, …I will definitely be getting the spirit level out in a moment …:rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

Spitty, look at this curtain rod…:open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:

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At least the curtain on the right should be self closing. :smiley:



The red one is a spot lamp, ideal for reading.
The teardrop lamp is prettier.
It really depends what you need it for…


the red one we’ve got a teardrop one and I absolutely loathe it

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May I ask why?
Too fussy?

I feel somehow it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the decor in our sitting room.


I don’t like standard lamps.

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Speaking as a photographer I would use the Red one because it’s more utilitarian. The teardrop lamp (or whatever you would call it) is very pretty and I would include it in a scene, that doesn’t mean it’s a good light, though.

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Thanks everyone for your opinions.

I’ve decided I’m going to keep them both, the read one is a great reading light.

The teardrop one, has a bright to dimmer light on it, I’ve just decided where I’m going to put it…:+1::+1:

i like candle light


[quote=“pauline3, post:15, topic:88499”]
Thanks everyone for your opinions. I’ve decided I’m going to keep them both, the read one is a great reading light. [/quote]

We don’t have standard lamps but a bit of information for you. We have four lights in our living room. These are 15W LEDs. They are very bright white light. My dear wife paints and those lights are perfect for that.

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Tear drop lamp, if it’s for a room it will give a softer better light.
Red lamp is a brilliant reading lamp.
Glad you are keeping both, Pauline.

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I’ve been looking for a couple of these. Where did you buy them from please Besoeker?

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CM Lighting Solutions is on the box but I think we got them from Wilko.
15W Day White 6500K