Are YOU sexy? Do YOU think so? Do others think so?

Oh come on, we are all sexy in our own ways right? :wink:

I’ll give this a go lol. YES, I am absolutely sexy and at the age of 70.
It’s because of my casual style with a flair of fun. It’s my smile, eyes
and laugh. I’ll begin just with that I think…

Do others think I’m sexy? Hum, well there have been a few I guess.

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At nearly 81, sexiness is not my prime driver anymore, unlike during my teenage years into my 20’s. I did have an advantage with my height being 6’ 6" in my prime, but now age has lopped around 1.5" from that 6’ 6" and I’m nowhere as spry as I used to be :wink:

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Your as sexy , as you Feel ……

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I agree whole heartedly with you Cosmos :slight_smile:

My example would be having had a bad fall three months
ago, I felt like _____. Now with recovery somewhat, I like
to think and feel sexy a bit.

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If you want my body and you think I’m sexy
Come on sugar tell me so… tra la la


Rod Stewart’s been asking the same question for years! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

oops sorry Ripple didn’t see your post.


Yup, cos I’m a flirt still….even at this age!

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I was called cute once but I think she was drunk.


No, Time for that is well past for me. I’m not sorry.

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Beauty is in the eye of the :beer: holder


It’s fair to say that in a way we must all have been, or still are, sexy - to some. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have had certain experiences, to put it that way. In the narrower sense, though, and speaking for myself, I’d say that I was not sexy for the best part of my life for some reason. In my mid-forties and fifties,though, things were changing to my advantage before getting back to normal and levelling off.


In my early years I apparently looked very much like Clint Eastwood. Fifty years later and I still look like Clint Eastwood. The sad thing is, he now looks like me.


Not at this moment in time, just finished an almost non stop nine hour shift . I’ve taken my boots off and my feet are all scrunched up…I expect I’ll feel differently in the morning :heart_eyes:


This thread shouts out for a picture of OGF in his shorts.That will get the ladies swooning.


My husband thinks i am,that will do me.


No, I don’t think I’m sexy. Never did. Always considered myself as an average Joe.

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May have been years ago, but I think I’m too old for sexy.

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Oh yes, I am. I try to tone it down, but over the years I’ve decided to let it out and take my chances curbing the appeal. :wink:
Sexy to some, sarcastic to others, intriguing, mesmerizing, mysterious, playful…who knows what “sexy” is at any given moment.


And I do agree. Sexy at any given moment can be anything,
feeling sexy is the fun :wink:

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