Are there any Cross Stitchers among our members?

Something I always found relaxing until my cataracts rendered it impossible. Now they have been dealt with - I am rediscovering the simple joy of being able to thread a needle and create pictures. I made this card for a friend who has an April birthday and loves Schnauzers!


and - at the risk of being banned for life - I am working on a Christmas gift for a friend who collects Bears. When finished and framed it will be four panels depicting the seasons.

Winter Bear

winter tedddy

and - work in progress - Spring Bear

spring teddy


It’s great that you can now enjoy this rewarding activity again. Making me want to get the hoop out. I used to love it in my early 20s. Went through a phase one winter, along with knitting mohair scarves when in between relationships :grinning:. I have a cross stitch flower bell pull somewhere which I kept out of sentimentality, must have look for it. Nice idea to make greeting cards. Such a personal touch.


These are great. Such good news to hear that you are able to take up cross stitch again after your eyes were made better.
I don’t have the patience for needlework do never tried it.

You reminded me I need to get on with Christmas crafts too…ducking and diving from the rotten tomatoes lol :laughing:


During the early days of recovering from a TIA, it was CS that realigned my hand-eye :point_right::eyes:coordination and all thanks to my rehab team and their perseverance + many other physical activities at their direction.


Lovely,ST, I have done a lot of cross stitch in my time, like you have shown here,:heartpulse:

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Oh how pretty that is, just lovely!

Cataract operation is marvellous, isn’t it? To be able to get your eyesight back like that and enjoy your hobby again, it’s such a gift

My mum had both eyes done and she was thrilled with it


The last time I did any stitching, it was to sew a piece of narrow ribbon to a towel, to hang it up with. A fairly straight forward operation, one would think. Well not so, and I was very cross by the time I had finished. :rage:


I like those Tabby. :+1:

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Lovely Tabby! I used to do a lot of cross stitch years ago, it was an absolute craze with me, but I eventually ran out of steam! I remember starting to stitch a sampler with our house, family members and dogs when I was in hospital after a hysterectomy. I finished it while I was off work recovering and had it framed. Heaven only knows where it is now!
The ones I still have around are a set of four little cottages on the side of a cupboard and a fridge magnet!


@Bathsheba - those are really beautiful. Must have taken you ages to do.

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Possibly - it was so long ago I can’t really remember, haha!

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Those look very impressive Bathsheba.

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I did cross stitch when my children were small. Each one had a framed picture on their wall. I also did a handbag for myself. It was relaxing to and soothing to do handwork in the evening while my hubby was working and out of town.


My Granddaughter gave me this cross stitch cat which she did in her early teens…


How lovely - I bet you treasure it! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :shamrock:

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I certainly do Tabby, she also put it in that frame. :slightly_smiling_face: