Anyone here play piano?

So finally I have a keyboard and am learning to play the piano. It’s just a small electric keyboard as a piano is such a big deal to purchase, move and then find a home for.

However, I am very impressed as it has everything I need to learn the basics. It comes with an app that is free for two weeks (Simply Piano), which I have been using to learn the notes. But it’s a bit cumbersome as it’s on the phone and I need to move it to a tablet. I did manage to play Amazing Grace and Fur Elise. I also found a you tube site that taught me scales and some chords. It’s all quite exciting but also a bit mind-blowing because of the difficulty in being ambidextrous when you’re not used to both hands working together doing different things! Hard work too.

So my question is - do you play the piano and perhaps you had lessons as a child or learned as an adult. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about it too but haven’t taken the plunge yet. If you do play, do you have any hints and tips for me? Perhaps you had to learn as a child and loathed it? Or perhaps we have some hidden musical genius here.

I just thought it would be fun to share my musical journey. :smiley: :musical_keyboard:

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Well done you for taking up the piano
I had lessons as a child and at one time I could play ok but I don’t have a piano anymore .

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I took piano lessons when I was young. I’ve forgotten why. The teacher was loathsome to me. I rarely practiced and found it to be a chore. As I was doing that, I took up another instrument that I loved. I would practice for hours.

My parents had bought me a piano at the time. My father, who was self taught, went on to play that piano every day. It was his stress relief.

As you described your excitement with the keyboard, I wondered if I would feel differently about it now.

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I did Piano as a second instrument, you needed a second instrument at a certain grade if you were considering attending the Royal Scholl of Music, got to about grade six on it if I remember right.


Piano Accordion when I was at school Annie. Never had lessons but just learn’t to play popular stuff in my spare time. Strange how I’ve never forgot how to rattle out ‘It Takes a Worried Man’ or ‘Michael Row the Boat Ashore’ can do them on the piano too…Good luck with the lessons…


I hope I have inspired you to take it up again but this time perhaps come to love it. Given my struggles with trying to do scales with both hands I can well understand why so many children can become stressed with an impatient teacher. It’s bringing back memories of my struggles with the clutch when I was first learning to drive!

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OGF I can just imagine you with an accordion, perhaps singing as you go. One of my cousins plays - it seems terribly complicated. Perhaps you should get one now and serenade Mrs Fox?

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So I’ve just tried to do the scales this morning with both hands - I get to a certain point on the way back to C note and one of my fingers ends up in the wrong place! Arrgh! I hope the neighbours aren’t laughing (or crying)!

I am thinking about this in terms of brain neuro development too. It’s interesting to feel the new connections painfully trying to form. Parts of my brain that have not been used before are protesting.

They say it’s good for the brain to take up a musical instrument when you are over 50. I can see why - it’s very challenging.


Good ears, good fingers, good other things too no doubt when you get to over 70!

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Music - violin, piano, and this piece:


Silvan Zinng:


I admire your efforts.It’s very difficult to keep at it though if you have no musical ability whatsoever like me.My piano teacher was nice and very patient but we both knew it was only a matter of time before I gave up.


So how is the piano progressing Annie…
This is me playing Beethoven’s 6th symphony in G minor…

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@AnnieS Yes, the piano and many other instruments, with my latest I’ve finally mastered, the Bandura. The Bandura was a natural progression from my 6 chord zither which I adore.