Anyone ever found a book?

I love books and have too many .
I think this is a great idea as long as it’s out of the wet .
The ( new ) bus shelters where I live consist of a half roof with a drain pipe to sit on considering that many of the users are elderly I wonder why there is this complete disregard for anything resembling comfort .

The seats in our bus shelters are sloping , talk about uncomfortable, don’t know who’s bright idea that was.

I have just been down the fields and the book was still there looking a bit wet after showers in the night :-(.

The footpath where the book was placed isn’t much used, I felt sorry for it so I have brought it home to dry off on a sunny windowsill and I will replace it on a dry evening somewhere in the middle of the village like the church gate where it will be seen.

I might even involve my older grandchildren who are avid readers and explore leaving a book of my own :slight_smile:

Sad though the loss of comfort is, maybe it’s to dissuade some people from using it as a ‘meeting place’ or perhaps these days for consumption of alcohol or using drugs? :frowning:

I can’t see how a proper seat or at least flat will make much difference .

Possibly and I am only guessing, you have commented how uncomfortable the seat is and have mentioned a half roof. Anyone perhaps thinking of using the place in the dubious ways I mentioned may be put off to a degree in that it’s not that comfortable, so may find another place. There’s also perhaps a reason for the place being deliberately uncomfortable so as not to be a place the homeless and rough sleepers would want to use.

I am talking about a small genteel country town here there are no homeless or rough sleepers .
The only people who use the infrequent bus service are school children and elderly people who no longer drive or can’t afford a car.

Those were only guesses as I don’t have any knowledge of the area. Where I live it’s a small, rural village with about 2,500 residents but there are drinkers and drugs, both seem to be everywhere these days. In the nearby large town (about 10 miles away) there were homeless immigrants who set up a ‘camp’ in the bushes bordering the countryside between the town and outlying villages. The were ‘moved on’ but they have gone somewhere. Where nobody knows but these people do not exactly advertise their presence, for all I know may have moved out to quieter areas like surrounding villages.

Hi - What an interesting idea! I did find a book on a bus once - not sure if someone had left it on the seat on purpose or had just forgotten it - anyway I picked it up after I had read it left it somewhere else. It was a good read! I often just leave books - usually in charity shops!

What an interesting and useful and friendly idea!

I hadn’t heard of this at all, but I’ll Search t’Net and find out more about it

Obviously we are under the Covid-19 restrictions at the moment, but we might be able to do something in a small way as we are allowed out for short walks & cycle rides
It’s also something to think about for when this thing is over

My daughter is stuck in with her two boys at the moment, I’ll mention it to her, it might occupy them for a while when and if they go out; or she could leave a few at the front of her house

My next door neighbour frequently leaves her books on her garden wall for passers by to take.

We always take ours to cancer Charity shop when we’ve finished with them. Same with jigsaws.

We give ours to a neighbour when we’ve finished reading them. She and her husband give them to the RNLI when they’ve finished with them.