Anyone done Metal Detecting or Mudlarking

As a deprived child, I’d collect fossils found in River Severn mud.

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There’s this old bloke I sometimes see on one of the cycle track near me. He goes running, but it is more of a serial stumbling in a forward direction. And I always encounter him coming towards me, regardless which direction I’m going in. I reckon he must be in his eighties by the look of him, and he’s really small and frail. What strikes you most about him is the look of sheer distress on his face. :grimacing:

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Anything of great Interest d00d ?

Have you heard of Deadmans Island Kent , this is where the Prisoners of 1800s were buried from the Ships , the graves are now washed away mostly and bones from these graves litter the Island .

No Gain without Pain , I think the saying goes .


Don’t know about you Eliza but nowadays no gain even with the pain lol. Am of a size where sports bras don’t really cut the mustard even if I did toy with the idea of putting myself into fast toppling mode to make my legs move quicker.


I suspect all this particular old fella is going to gain is an earlier grave than would otherwise have been the case. I just hope that I’m not the one who discovers his body on the cycle path.


Grey, snail-like spirals, or bits of.


When I visited the town of my childhood I was amused to discover that the boating pond was now a fishing spot. So much so I took a photo.

NSW requires a fishing licence (free for over 65s) but that is purely to fund fishing facilities but you can fish just about anywhere without restriction…

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I thought you would have recognised me from my avatar Harbal…


Agreed Eliza, the philosophy I have always lived by, and there is nothing wrong with me…

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Oh no, you are a picture of health, Foxy, this old chap looks a hair’s breadth from intensive care.

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