Any other ladies here that enjoy clean chat and clean humor?

Hi OFC. Haven’t seen an introduction like yours before. I’m assuming you meant “chat rooms” which I also do not like. Too intimate for me. Everything you see here will be seen by everyone, other than personal messages which I’m not that into either. You have nothing to fear here. Just keep posting on the threads and you’ll enjoy it. Nothing secretive or seedy here. Just enjoy :smiley:

Thanks for the reply Myra. I am NOT here to try to get anyone to like chat rooms, or Personal Messages, or anything. I was simply saying what I enjoy. Some I chat with has severe physical problems and we support each other in friendship caring about what each other goes through! Nothing secretive about that, either. It’s hard to relate to others unless you are going through similar circumstances. I have a lot of brain fog and find posting much harder for me to keep up with. Yes, I find threads I like and I post but if I don’t post enough you can all run me off LOL When I read something I don’t already know by the time I click reply I am having to scroll back to read it again and it’s the same with emails. I do best chatting so I was only giving a introduction about me and as I wrote before this below sums it up best for how I feel about all of it :slight_smile: If no one else here has the same interests I do I am ok with that! And I hope I did NOT imply there was anything secretive or seedy here or else I would not had came here.

Forums or chat rooms, messages or chatting, emails or not LOL it’s all good and nice to have options. All have their advantages for whichever fits us the most All good

Would be a dull world if we all wanted the same, acted the same, chatted or posted the same, etc. But it is good when husband and wife want the same LOL

Just keep posting OFC , you will get the drift of this forum quite soon, it is really pleasant and not much controversy , which I enjoy . Have only been a member for about 8 months and just think it great.

Hello from me-I just post rubbish with the odd double entendre. Face it my brother was a fag at school and I was a hooker.

Goodness you were just looking for some straightforward chatting in real time the way I see it.
It’s not anything weird and loads of people do it, there are lots of people who chat like that for company and to pass the time with like minded people just the same as some stick to forums.

The forum is a bit different but I don’t think you said anything about the forum not being ok, just that you have used chat previously and it worked so wondering whether others here did the same sometimes.

Hope you manage to find some sites where there are people that you can chat if that works better for you and where you can meet people that you have lots in common with. :slight_smile:

Thanks Anita!

Yes, I was asking if any other ladies like chatting with no bad language, etc. NOT trying to get anyone to like it! Just if any already did :slight_smile: and NO, was NOT saying anything was wrong with forums :slight_smile: I post occasionally at them when I find something of interest as I have here other than just here LOL I just am not a poster meaning I don’t normally do it a lot. But I do chat a lot LOL

I do already chat with other ladies, too, so have found that and by George Anita I think you got it :slight_smile: The meaning behind my post and with my brain fog understanding my posts is a great accomplishment LOL
That is another reason I don’t post a lot too much brain fog for me to think this much LOL

Welcome from me too OFC. I don’t do much in the way of chatting on this forum but I’m female and very clean in every respect :smiley:

Thanks Anzac :slight_smile: and doesn’t matter on the forum posts male or female all comments are ok with me! I really was only talking about in private messages, chat rooms, or emails I only chat there with ladies. Half the time I don’t even notice if it’s a male or female comment that I reply to in a open forum. Thanks again EVERYONE for the welcomes!

Just enjoy, when you feel in the mood to post ,just post . This is a very relaxed and happy forum I would say, just love it . Compared with the one I left.

Hello OFC and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Pop in to the Chit Chat thread anytime :slight_smile:

Hello Chatter,

Welcome to our forum, everyone on here are very friendly, no bad language on this forum. Please feel free to join our conversations, we would love to hear from you. Susie x

Thanks Myrtle and Susiejaeger :slight_smile:

Welcome from Southern California :cool: