Any male members had the HoLep operation?

Any male members had the Holep prostate operation and was it a success? I have the option of the operation but as I will be 87 in a fortnight I am having doubts.

HoLEP uses a light beam to peel tissue and hollow out the prostate . HoLEP can remove more prostate tissue than other procedures for BPH and can help address obstruction of the bladder. The surgery takes about three hours, and patients may stay in the hospital overnight, depending on prostate size and patient health. sounds quick and easy my advice would be go for it.


Thanks Feey. When I went to see my consultant yesterday I had the intention of going ahead with the operation, but when he went into the pros and cons I began to have my doubts.

What were those cons if you don’t mind me asking Scot?

I have a very enlarged prostate meaning I would be under anesthesia for 3 hours also I could be left incontinent. There is also the possibility of scar tissue forming blocking the passage again. Also my age is a consideration.

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Be aware, that a Nephrostomy Bag may be involved. At or after the initial invasive procedure.
Depending on personal living circumstances. These can be a nightmare.

I think I would have made the same decision as you Scot…All the best and hope it turns out alright whatever you decide to do… :+1:

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Thanks OGF. There is also a 6 month waiting list for this operation.

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Age and anaesthesia were my first concerns, too when I read it. That means I’d only go for it if the grievances are so severe that they impair your quality of life noticeably and if the prospects are really better. I keep my fingers crossed.


The NHS is in such a mess Scott, I don’t think it recovered from the strain of the covid pandemic.

Yes that was my thoughts Dachs, the quality of life is so important, and having a risky procedure later in life may be worse than living with the condition.