Anti-squirrel grid for bird table?

We have a bird table outside our window and I love to watch the birds coming for a feed.

Unfortunately, squirrels now seem to have taken over and, unless they’re off squirrelling somewhere else, the birds don’t get a look in.

I’ve just bought a squirrel-proof bird feeder designed particularly for small song birds, but we also see a couple of collared doves along with other larger birds and these are frightened off by the squirrels.

What I’m looking for is some sort of grid which I can place on the bird table with holes large enough for the birds to peck at the seeds through, but which the squirrels are too big to get through to the seeds.

Has anyone seen any such thing?

If nothing seems to be readily available, I’d make something myself, but I don’t know the ideal size of the holes to allow bird’s beaks access, but not squirrels’ mouths and claws.

If anyone has any idea of the dimensions I’m thinking of, I should be eternally grateful!

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May I suggest that perhaps it might be a better idea to try and prevent squirrels from climbing up the table if that is feasible?

The RSPB says this:
“Use a downward-opening cone or a biscuit tin fixed to the pole below a bird table to prevent squirrels climbing up it. Vaseline or other grease on a smooth pole will also help.”

Although we have squirrels, we’re fortunate not to have this problem and squirrels and birds seem to co-exist quite happily.
I do however use tree-hanging squirrel-proof feeders as well as a proper squirrel feeder; maybe in my case that is helping.
It’s the holes in my lawn from where squirrels bury their food that gets to me, though watching them pat the soil down once they’ve buried their future feast is really quite amusing to see.

Don’t know if you can get these in England. They’re really for composting leaves, but I have them round my bird table in winter. Made a wooden frame to hang them on. They keep the magpies etc out but let the tits, sparrows and finches in.


Thanks. I have that covered for the handing bird feeder, but for the larger birds I need to keep the bird table.

However, a perfectly obvious solution has just crossed my mind. Chicken wire placed above the seed on the bird table, stretched across from the raised lips on the edges.

I’ll have to investigate further, but I’m hoping that the holes will be large enough for the birds to peck at the seeds, but too small for the squirrels’ mouths and claws.

We shall see.

Yes. That’s the right sort of material, but I’d have to investigate to determine the correct spacing of the wires as I mentioned in my last post. Thanks.

I don’t have problems with squirrels…but I do have squadrons of starlings flying in all at the same time to the feeders, bloody thugs!

The openings in the one in the picture are the same as in mine. Approx 3 X 1.5 inches.
The small birds up to the size of a bullfinch get through without any problems. Anything the size of a blackbird or bigger won’t.

Oh, that wouldn’t stop a squirrel’s mouth!

I have no problems. You just make the cage big enough so the table is out of arm’s reach. It’s as simple as that

I think I may have solved the problem.

I fastened chicken wire mesh on top of the feeding surfaces (see photo) in the hope that birds will be able to peck the seed through it, but the squirrels won’t be able to get at the seeds.

A pigeon must have been watching when I refilled the bird seed and is feeding as I write this.
Now I must wait for a squirrel!

(Apologies. I can rotate the picture on my computer, but whenever I add it to this message the web site turns it on its side again. Try lying down on your left side to view your computer screen!)

Here you go… :lol:

Thanks! How did you do that?