Another voice reason

I thought I had already posted this in here, but I must have forgot to submit. Anyway, for those who like poets in general, this from Benjy should be shown all over the world.


If you wear a white poppy on Remembrance Day the UK it upsets a lot of people who think you’re disrespecting the fallen. Not true of course, but I’m not sure it’s in the spirit of wearing a peace symbol to hurt and upset people and cause confrontation?

I love the idea and would like to wear one, but I’m not sure


The Truth . Well said . White poppy of peace , im going to get one


Well said indeed. I’m going to get one too, but I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to wear it in the run up to Remembrance Sunday :fearful:

“one combat veteran who served in Afghanistan, colonel Richard Kemp said it was “indoctrinating children with a leftwing political agenda.”

Here’s the organisation he’s talking about, it looks as if you can buy a pack of 5

I very much like this white poppy. I’ve refused to wear a red poppy for decades now. That is not a disrespect of our fallen soldiers, sailors and airmen. This is primarily because I dislike the militarisation of society such as exists in the US - and seems to be building here. There it has become a military-industrial propaganda machine. And, note, not wearing a poppy is not the same as not giving to charities that support ex-servicemen. But it is about not glorifying the military. It is, for me, about quiet, hidden, small respect for individuals.