Another minor gripe about the capitalist system

Companies sure are hitting a low point when they “have to charge” 25 cents for using a card for transactions.
They say it is to “recover costs”
My rent went up last week and I received notification yesterday that I need to top up the rental bond by 4 times the amount of the rent increase.
McDonalds last week, the cashier was 5 cents short in my change and I asked for the 5 cents.
“Sheese, it is only 5 cents.”
“Goes both ways you know, If I was 5 cents short you would demand the money or I would not get the product”

Where will it all end?

When will it all end?

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Not sure it has to do with the capitalist system. In a socialist/communist system transactions had to be correct, too. But you’re right, it goes both ways. A cashier in a supermarket was dismissed because a bottle return receipt worth 120 cents was missing. And a bank reminded me almost 12 months after I had closed my account that I would still owe them 116 cents, which they had discovered only then.

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I used where will it all end because I was of the thinking that many, many people will end up destitute under the current system.
When will it all end? The grab for money? Never.

Thinking never resolved anything.

I didn’t know they could do that as the bond is held in trust by the Rental Bonds Board, perhaps other states do it differently.

It was heart warming to see Coles and Woollies receive the Choice Magazine Shonky Award for price gouging during a cost of living crisis.

Even though it may sound heretic I can’t help but ask what alternative system there is to replace the current one which is not based on money? What should it be based on instead so that people are motivated to lift a finger? I lived in such a system and it utterly failed.

Its not the system, its being content with your place within it that seems to be the problem, the system its self is partially responsible for this as its based greater expectations

Would you be content in being a serf?

A healthy serf is possibly preferable to being a decrepit Toff?

How many heathy serfs do you know ?

You would have to clarify your definition of a modern day Serf, got a feeling I knew a few in a previous life though :smiley:

BTW, that’s healthy of Mind and Body of course!

That particular charge was ended by the government here when they stated that no charge may be levied by any payment card institution no matter what type of card it is. Now credit and debit cards transactions pass through without and visible charge added.

Someone has to pay. At my end it’s not the card user who has to pay for transactions but the company which accepts payment via this card. Smaller business are frequently rejecting the card, larger ones accept it. When doing business with those smaller firms I have the choice of either paying cash or taking my business elsewhere.

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I am still a great believer in cash whenever possible as usually some kind of cash discount can be obtained if the trader is approached in the right manner.


We have quite a list now of old tradies who do work around the house and on the car cash only.


Aspiration should start at the “Breadline”.

Take no more than you need!!!

You know it makes sense :icon_wink:

Or, just work your socks off and forget about it all :laughing:

What should happen is, all the money in the world should be divided equally between every person……then, when I’ve spent my share, should be divided equally again……