Another day to say it was luckier than I thought at first.
I drove to a town 25 miles away to sell a diamond wedding set to a FB buyer after three weeks of back and forth, trying to connect. I asked an amount half of the initial appraisal price (2 years ago), but also over double of the appraisal offer by a reputable jeweler in a big city near me just a month ago… The buyer’s mother was to meet me, but after 15 minutes I texted her. Lo and behold, she thought the meetup was tomorrow.
She did come, we went to the bank, deposits were made, all was good. I chose an alternate route home, as the original trip had seven (yes, seven) road closures as town highway folks were clearing drainage ditches today!
Driving along, all of a sudden…A TURKEY flew from the side of road smack into my windshield on the passenger side! I slowed, no residue on my glass, so I continued the ride home. Thinking it could have been worse- a deer darting in front of me, much $ damage to my vehicle, car crippled, a windshield to replace, I said, "My lucky day. All things considered.
Once parked at home, I got out and tiptoed over to the passenger side of the car to view any scrapes, blood, dents, etc. NONE, except for a couple of spit marks on the glass!
Now, that’s what I consider a very lucky day, despite possible obstacles to overcome. A fuller bank account, and no trip to the repair shop! Stupid turkey anyway! I don’t think he got to fly away or wobble across the road, though.
Have you ever just missed an animal on the road…and felt lucky?
yes a herd of Deer on the Chatsworth Estate, came charging across in front of the car in the pitch black.Another time a Deer jumped over a hedge into the road right in front , both times driver had to brake .
So many wild animals in Australia, Bruce! The flat terrain helps you to see things in the horizon that may have blended in. Still…dangerous and the driver must stay alert and wary.
@Eliza , the deer season is here, and deer and baby doe are scared, and crossing the road constantly, not just at feeding hours. Also, porcupine, skunk, fox, rabbit, not to mention a random bear!
WOW!! Cherubkin. That was some adventure to pack in one day.
Good to sense no harm to your self & still up and running.
Pity about the Royals Royce Tho.
One Biggy mistake. Squashed Turkey someone else’s gain.
You could always replicate that trip.
Thursday 28th November.!!
And pick up a Turkey.
Tyre stamped. “Free. Self Destined, Tenderised & Edible” All the way 2 the Fish & Chip Shoppe.
Look Out Skippy.
Trip out to the Outdoor Bioscope.
Thats 270 Kg of Kudo Charging at 95Km/Hr Jumping 10mtrs.
Cop it head on. And you don’t get to watch the Flicks.
I’ve hit a deer before and that was a couple of thousand in damages. Then, more recently, I hit a wild boar. The garage checks for embedded boar hairs so they can verify with the insurers that it was a genuine wild animal accident. Luckily it was a medium size boar as the big ones are the size of sideboards and must weigh half a ton. This one still required new front bumper, new grill panel, replace screen wash reservoir, and one headlight to replace. The boar seemed to be fine and ran off.
I’ve taken to driving in the centre of road at dusk and at night.