Another grand day out in Somerset

We managed to blag “a baby-sitter” to look after my elderly and disabled Outlaws yesterday, so my Lovey Cousin and I headed off in the camper-van for a rare day out alone around the Land of the Summer Settlers.

It’s not my fault! Opposite The Rock of Ages, Burrington Combe.

Next we stopped at a lovely Tearoom in Chewton Mendip where I had one of the best hot chocolate drinks I have had in a long time. We then we headed down to Witham Friary for a quick look around before a luncheon of bacon butties, and some cakes from the Tearoom.

Nunney village and environs

Wesley Chapel garden wall.

The Castle

Victorian graffiti.

My Lovely Cousin on the bridge over the moat. We later met the owner who told us the bridge has been deemed dangerous by English Heritage, so it is going to be closed later this week until it can be replaced. Luckily, my cousin weighs less than she did when she was thirteen, whereas, I do not. :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

A drain cover, or perhaps a sluice control-wheel?

An apparently abandoned farmyard next to the castle.

The brook adjacent to the castle-moat

One of the locals out for a swim

Here be dragons

Heading upstream

An interesting looking tree-trunk

Another of the locals, out for a stroll.

After Nunney, we headed over to Ebbor Gorge, but alas the car park has a height limit and the van was too tall to get in, so we went back uphill to a car park overlooking the levels.

It’s a bit soggy down there thanks to heavy rains.

We then backtracked to Priddy village green, home of sheep markets since the thirteen hundreds. The shed like affair contains stacks of sheep hurdles. I have to say, I would like to see sheep trying to run a hundred metre hurdle race.

Opposite the green is this traditional English farmhouse.

Nearby we passed these contrasting fields: cultivated and uncultivated.

We then headed over to Herriot’s Bridge by Chew Valley Lake for tea where we finished off the cakes from our earlier purchase, and watched the wildlife.


Then it was time to head home again.


think your piccies told it all, loved them, thanks

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Excellent !!

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Super photo’s. I went bird watching to Chew Valley, a while ago now, it’s a great place for that.

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thanks for sharing your day out …

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What a lovely day out Fruitcake, you can’t beat the countryside! :grinning:

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Some great pictures and lovely countryside Fruitcake, loved the captions.

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You made my Day with your diary of today…was something so worth while and hope you can do this again somewhere else soon…

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