Another Ex buzz member

Speaking as an ex Buzz member of several years, i had no bad experiences in the time i was there, and until it’s recent closure.

There are ‘characters’ on every site, and we can always find something we don’t like, but many members were upset when Buzz closed it’s doors - i hope they’ve all found an alternative site they enjoy.

I have.


I joined Buzz many, many years but didn’t use it, then when I returned my name had been recycled to someone else. I had a lot of trouble just getting on to the site then I was banned for using a VPN which I wasn’t (I have a fixed IP address) so in the end I just gave up.


WOW! Was that ‘Rips’
The lady with an avatar. Languorously propping up a passageway bulkhead, That appeared to be a cruise liner.
OR, ‘Cruella’ who stole & stowed away with it.? :innocent:

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“Pick &Nick” Profile.? Shiver me Timbers. I May be skint. :wink:
But In not into Shop Lifting >>Yet.
:rofl: All the way to the checkout till

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Yes Quinty it’s me :wink: that stowaway.
Wow brilliant memory that was awhile back xxx


Lovely photo …. Keep it up girl xx


Hey just like them old days you disappear for days leaving me out in cold shivering lol xx

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Apologises 4the Intrusion Rips. Thank you 4 clarifying.
Whisper. :grinning:
That original and more so this pic. So resembles a much regarded family member.
It used to give me The “Collywobbles” :grinning:
My ever being fearful, they know wat I get up to. In moments of madness in SM. mode.
At least it wasn’t Cruella. Or Synonym. :rofl: All the way to the Exit.

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Good morning
I’ve several photos taken on different cruises …I could be that Cruella :smiling_imp:

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Check your messages

The Musketeers now know they can find YOU here :joy:

SO hope their search will be successful :wink::blush:

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Lucky for some lol

Bingo! >>

:rofl: All the way >> Madame Defarge’s. ‘Night School’ Knitting Classes. :wink: :wink:

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:joy::blush::wink: knitting!

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Guess it is time to fess up, I too am an ex-Buzzer, though I doubt any of the exes here will remember me.

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Former Buzzer here as well. I liked the site a lot–and didn’t find it cliquey at all. Nor did I find the moderators to be heavy handed.

This is a nice place as well…wish it had a chat room though or the ability to PM others… oh well…

Welcome… wishing you happy buzzing

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I found it the opposite.

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Good morning Beautiful Miss Ripple
Hope all is well with you and looking after health.
Miss your lively comments
Take care xx

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