Ancient - or not so ancient - aliens

Radio frequency transmissions could, if strong enough and close enough, affect human tissue.
A microwave oven is a good example. You can image what would happen if you put your hand in there (and overrode the safety devices) and turned it on.
However, most RFs in use around us are transmitted from a distance and their strength falls off quickly with distance. In addition, depending on the frequency, most forms of RF are not dangerous. Mobile phones, for example, even held next to the ear, are perfectly safe. Having said that, since I had a pacemaker implanted I was told not to use the phone within about six inches of it! But that’s an adverse effect on electrical equipment and I don’t fear it boiling my blood like a microwave oven would.


That’s called “the Inverse Square Law”. Here it is explained better than I could by Wiki:

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I guess if folk had just seen that photo of the mummified skeleton, without all the hype about aliens, they would have assumed it was some ancient mummified human skeleton - which it turned out to be.
It is a reminder of how differently human brains can interpret the information the eyes are relaying, depending on other information we are given and our own confirmation bias.

Looks like an abnormally big head in relation to the body, though!

I didn’t necessarily mean using frequency to heat up human tissue JB, I was thinking more of subtle exposure effects over a period of time. There seems to be more illnesses like cancer and tumours these days than there used to be. During the time that there was a power station sited just one mile away from our village, with overhead high tension cables surrounding the village, there seemed to be an unnatural amount of brain tumours occurring. There have been no more tumours reported since it closed down. The navigation systems of many birds and marine animals has also been affected by something recently.

True. You can add X-radiation to that.
It wouldn’t stop me having an x-ray examination, though, if I needed it.

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I agree.