Anagrams quiz 1

The following are all anagrams of famous stars of the silver
screen, can you unravel them?

  1. Tom Cruise
  2. Daniel Radcliffe
  3. Clint Eastwood
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  1. John Travolta
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  1. Drew Barrymore
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22 - Bruce Willis

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18 - James Stewart
12 - Jack Nicholson
13 - Humphrey Bogart
9 - Halle Berry
11 - Orlando Bloom

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  1. Charlie Chaplin
  2. Laurel and Hardy
  3. Marlon Brando
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correct answers still 11 more to guess

  1. Emma Watson
    Last one Harrison Ford
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21 Grace Kelly

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will try to help by giving 1st initials of names left to guess

5 C W
10 N C
14 W R
15 M F
16 I B
17 L L
19 K K
20 A H

  1. Nicholas Cage
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  1. Winona Ryder
  2. Morgan Freeman
  3. Ingrid Bergman
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5, Christopher Walken

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just these 3 left to guess will give 2nd letter of each name to help

17 Li Lo
19 Ke Kn
20 An Ho

  1. Anthony Hopkins
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17 - Lindsay Lohan
19 - Keira Knightly

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17 - Lindsay Lohan
19 - Keira Knightly
20. Anthony Hopkins

last 3 needed here correctly guessed well done everyone this round is now finished

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