An interesting take on Climate Change

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Will read it all tomorrow. Thanks for posting.

This information has been around for a while. I read a while ago that in the 1800’s there were cases of people growing vegetables through the winter months because it was so warm .

It has Jaded, but the scientists get their projections from a great big computer, and based on the data put into it create a model. Obviously modern data is quite accurate, but as they delve back into the archives the data gets a bit vague, and we are talking millions of years when dealing with climate. Just one small piece of incorrect data will send the projection on a completely different path.

Obviously the climate is changing, but most of the changes we see are either created naturally or locally. The major changes come from the actions of the sun, and also from volcanic activity here on earth, which dwarf anything man has done since we have been resident on this planet.

There are well over thirty active volcanoes spewing dust, ash, CO2, methane and other unsavoury particles into the atmosphere even as we speak

You’re welcome Cinders

But all that stuff the volcanoes belch out is what contributes to all
the soil  becoming fertile too OGF Isn't it ??
For instance Pacific Islands downstream of an erupting volcanoe
show increased fertility after the eruption  due to all the chemicals
 that fell from the sky ??
So volcanic  "pollution" has benefits for all life forms on the planet
Whereas  man made pollution doesn't appear to ??
I'm not sure what this means in connection with climate  change
so l am going  to take a look at the link you just provided to see if
 will provide any clues !!


Here’s yet another long take on Climate Change (sent to me by one of my American friends):

Quote: [i]Climate and Infrastructure by Carolyn Reynolds
May 2, 2021.

Climate change is real and always has been – even before man’s impact. The larger question is how much does man’s activity contribute to the current warming.

That is NOT settled science.

The following is a rough read because a lot is stated authoritatively without much detail. Everything stated can be verified with credible citations.

Whether or not global warming is a problem should help to determine how much of taxpayers’ money is spent on it under the guise of infrastructure upgrades.

General observations:
The current warming of the globe started in the 1800s as we gradually climbed out of the Little Ice Age with ups and downs along the way. CO2 is a greenhouse gas.

However, the major greenhouse gas is water vapor and thus the main driver of greenhouse warming. Only 3.4 % of atmospheric CO2 is generated by man’s activities.

There have been warmer periods with lower CO2 and cooler periods with higher CO2. After the Second World War, when industrial output of CO2 was increasing quickly, our globe was cooling, not warming. Supposedly the consensus is that “97 % of scientists agree that man’s use of hydrocarbon fuels is the major contributor to global warming.” This is not true and scientific truth is not a matter of consensus, anyway. Increased CO2 has actually led to extra greening which means increased crop yields. Commercial growers inject CO2 into their greenhouses to increase growth.

The sinking of islands can easily be misinterpreted as sea-level rise. Oceans do not warm because of increased CO2, but quite the opposite. Warming oceans release more CO2. There were 18 consecutive years of no statistically significant global warming of average surface temperatures as of 2012 although CO2 was rising.

Many scientists think we are in for significant cooling rather than warming.

Solar-related drivers of climate:
Although CO2 concentration and temperature are correlated, the correlation between temperature and solar activity is a stronger correlation. In neither case does a correlation prove cause and effect.

The effects of precession, tilt, and orbital variations of the earth’s movement around the sun are huge compared with the influence of increased CO2. These variations occur in roughly 20,000 to 100,000-year cycles and have a big impact on our climate.

Other drivers of temperature besides CO2:
There are many including precession, tilt, and orbital eccentricity of the earth as it travels around the sun; solar activity; cosmic radiation; tectonic plate movement; major ocean convections; clouds; feedback mechanisms and the heat island effect in developed areas where temperature measurements are taken.

Measurement problems: Model predictions have consistently predicted more warming than is subsequently observed. The models are even wrong when they try to “predict” past temperatures using real data and the answers are already known. It is so difficult to measure total solar irradiation that there is no confidence in any small signals coming from increased CO2. In other words, the noise in the system (natural variations and measurement difficulties) swamps the signal. The UN’s International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states global warming to be occurring at a rate of 0.05 degrees C. per decade. But, that figure is + or – 0.1 degree meaning that there is more error in the measurement than signal detected.

Alternative energy problems:
The wind farm industry gets government subsidies and results in increased energy costs without both of which it could not exist. When there is no wind and temperatures are extremely cold, electricity provided by coal-fired plants must be used to keep the oil in the windmills from freezing.

Government subsidies would be better spent on the nuclear industry only during the start-up of a nuclear plant which is extremely expensive.

Political Considerations:
The UN’s IPCC is an oft-quoted organization regarding global warming. In 2013 the chairman, Dr. Pachauri, who is a non-scientist, said, “We are an intergovernmental body and we do what the governments of the world want us to do.”

Warming hype has become the means for justifying wealth redistribution to third-world countries. Research grants are more often given to those looking to support the warming theory, not to those interested in finding the truth, no matter what it is. Articles in peer–reviewed climate research journals are therefore much more likely to favor warming.

Journalists are, for the most part, Democrats and also tend to be illiterate in science, and most report only what suits their narrative.

Dire predictions of global warming are based on mathematical model predictions, not real observations. Over a thirty-year period (1984 – 2013) more than 100 predictive models have over-predicted and missed the mark (actual observations) by 0.9degrees Celsius to the high side. That is a lot and those predictions fueled the hype.

There is no existential crisis of global warming on the horizon. Yes, mans’ activities contribute to global warming, but it is a very small contribution (exact number not yet known) as compared with other natural inputs.

President Biden’s Infrastructure Bill a.k.a. the American Jobs Plan is proposed at $2.25 Trillion. That is $2.25 million times a million and is an outrageous amount of taxpayers’ money.

The Democrat’s Infrastructure Bill gives only $215 billion to $650 billion to actual traditional infrastructure depending on whose numbers are used. The categories of where the money is proposed to go are fuzzy – probably on purpose. The high figure is very generous, but even that number is only 29% of $2.25 trillion.

A lot of the remaining 71% or more is for Democrat socialist programs including at least $506 billion to climate alarmist projects.

This is money we don’t have and money that is not needed for a hoax (man-caused climate change) that is merely a slick method of wealth redistribution.

The GOP’s counter bill for Infrastructure is only $568 billion. That is 25% of what the Democrats propose and the GOP bill is all for infrastructure.
Caroline Reynolds graduated from Milwaukee Downer College (now merged with Lawrence University) with a B.A. and 2 full majors (Chemistry and Biology). She received her M.S. degree from Northwestern University in Biological Science. Caroline has held multiple jobs, but is most proud of 18 years as a staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the discipline of environmental science. [/i] EoQ

Bejazus Percy! That all sounds feasible ??
What if covids the same ??
Are these “crises” just to open the public purse ???


Brilliant Percy, I rest my case
It’s something we always knew really but were allowed to be misdirected by the MSM and governments who most certainly have an agenda.

Regardless of what is believed about climate change, air quality is another reason it could still be worth the drive to cut emissions of all kinds. If it’s done for that reason alone, it would be interesting to see if it also slowed down climate change.

I totally agree one hundred percent about local air quality mart, but in my opinion (and the opinion of lot’s of others) it will do nothing to address climate change there are too many outside forces at work to make even the slightest difference. And how would you know if it has made any difference to the climate? It takes hundreds of years to monitor even the smallest changes. And it’s because of this the average person can be taken in by the media.

Indeed yes, we’ll never know. In the meantime though, cleaner air would be good so still worth the effort of reducing emissions where possible.

Edit: This must be a coincidence 
mustn’t it? With the fewer cars and aircraft there has been during these lockdowns, there has been a return of garden birds I haven’t seen in ages, Finches of various types, a thrush or two and even some sparrows. I wonder if they will disappear again when emissions are back to previous levels?

remember the amazing photos from India when their car pollution disappeared - let have a cleaner life fgs - we spend enough time in the house doing the same - don’t you ogf?

ogf can you do a precise of the articles cos there are ads I cannot get rid of and they are impacting the pages?

Greenpeace investigators in Turkey found plastic waste from leading supermarkets dumped, burned, piled into mountains and left to spill into rivers and the sea.

Greenpeace examined 10 locations around the southern Turkish city of Adana in March and published the data on Monday in its report, Trashed. It found plastic packaging from Tesco, Asda, Co-op, Aldi, Sainsbury’s, Lidl and Marks & Spencer dumped, left in bags or burned. Plastic rubbish from retailers such as B&Q, Debenhams, Poundland and Spar was also found.

The British waste had been exported recently. It included a coronavirus antigen test and a packet with a use-by date of August 2021.


The fundamental problem inability to manage our plastic use and production.

It’s a pity that we don’t do our own plastic recycling Cinders, instead of sending stuff halfway around the world (using fuel and creating CO2) for it just to be dumped the same as we would probably have done.
Out of sight = Out of mind

We spend a fair amount of time cleaning and sorting it out, in the belief we doing our bit ,enough to drive you crazy. :104::017:

I was under the impression that China and SE Asia were now refusing to take our plastics?

Perhaps they have refused to take our plastics bret, that’s why it now goes to Turkey