America: The Acme of Cutting Edge Gastronomy

Deep fried Mars bars originated in Scotland :grinning:


No but then again I did not like most stuff one could buy in the US usually mega sweet.

You’re welcome to the discovery. I don’t eat any of them. I seldom indulge in candy, but I prefer mine without the extra grease. :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:
As far as Reese’s go why not add ham and cheese with the crisps and just call it Lunch! :rofl:

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Me neither. Give me a bag of pick and mix and I’m happy :grinning:

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Yes! I love peanut butter and potato chips. I don’t eat chocolate, but if they put a peanut butter shell on it, I’m in. :yum:

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With me it’s saltines and cheese. :smiley: :smiley: best snack ever!

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Yes I’d buy and try . I will reserve judgement till we get them over here or you could pop one in the post for me mum :grin:


Yes, yes, we mustn’t get too arrogant about our foothold in the gourmet world. Apparently, the potential for excellence runs deep in many nations.

Tip of hat to Scotland :man_cook: :grimacing:


Bless your heat. You may have mine. :grinning:

I did that when I heard they ate Haggis

haggis, the national dish of Scotland , a type of pudding composed of the liver, heart, and lungs of a sheep (or other animal), minced and mixed with beef or mutton suet and oatmeal and seasoned with onion, cayenne pepper, and other spices. The mixture is packed into a sheep’s stomach and boiled.

Tip of the hat is right. :nauseated_face:

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Like me! :grin:


It’s gotten some good reviews from Taste of Home and Food and Wine.

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Then they put pipes on it and play it :joy:


They must have tested the wine first and thoroughly!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Sorry - but no! Have had Reese’s products before and find them too sweet for my taste - but to add crisps? Daft idea. Mind you - they are not alone in their daftness.

I like Guinness - I like crisps - so when some bright spark dreamed up Guinness flavoured crisps I was eager to try. They were VILE!!

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I love it that Food and Wine has done a review. They can be quite a pretentious lot.
:+1: :rofl: It’s akin to “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”


:joy: The thing I love about ideas like these are all the head nodders who think they are horrible but are too afraid to speak up.

Now watch these chocolate-peanut-butter-chip-cup makers laugh me all the way to the bank . At least I will have my integrity :crazy_face:.


I think this is another New Coke. New Coke lasted what a year if that. Why mess with a good thing. If it isn’t broken don’t fix it!! IMHO :smiley: :smiley:
BTW I hate Coke.
Strictly Pepsi or Dr. Pepper.

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Maybe, but they already have Reese’s with pretzels which is supposedly popular enough for them to try potato chips. The pretzel version has been out for over a year. It’s got a 4.7 out of 5 on Amazon.

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How to poison yourself the easy way .:slight_smile: