America: The Acme of Cutting Edge Gastronomy

From the nation that brought you bacon wrapped around everything from chocolate cake to candy bars, we have truly outdone ourselves this time:

Reese’s just introduced a version peanut butter cups: chocolate covering a center of peanut butter and potato chips (crisps) mixed together.

The tag line is, “Who needs to go to Mars when we just put potato chips in Resse’s! This is the future!”

Indeed. Who needs to advance science when we can curl up with peanut butter, chocolate, and potato chips all in one bite…

I’ve never been so proud. :us: :icon_lol: :nauseated_face:

Would you buy and try this?

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Have already tried Reeses which I quite like. But who thought ‘What this needs is broken up crisps’ ?
Nope dont think it would entice me to buy :grinning:


I got it I know how this happened someone dropped a bag of chips during lunchtime and Reese’s thought why not.
WTF? Crisps in Reese’s doesn’t even sound good.
American’s will eat anything. From
Too deep fried everything


Deep fried Mars bars originated in Scotland :grinning:


No but then again I did not like most stuff one could buy in the US usually mega sweet.

You’re welcome to the discovery. I don’t eat any of them. I seldom indulge in candy, but I prefer mine without the extra grease. :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:
As far as Reese’s go why not add ham and cheese with the crisps and just call it Lunch! :rofl:

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Me neither. Give me a bag of pick and mix and I’m happy :grinning:

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Yes! I love peanut butter and potato chips. I don’t eat chocolate, but if they put a peanut butter shell on it, I’m in. :yum:

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With me it’s saltines and cheese. :smiley: :smiley: best snack ever!

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Yes I’d buy and try . I will reserve judgement till we get them over here or you could pop one in the post for me mum :grin:


Yes, yes, we mustn’t get too arrogant about our foothold in the gourmet world. Apparently, the potential for excellence runs deep in many nations.

Tip of hat to Scotland :man_cook: :grimacing:


Bless your heat. You may have mine. :grinning:

I did that when I heard they ate Haggis

haggis, the national dish of Scotland , a type of pudding composed of the liver, heart, and lungs of a sheep (or other animal), minced and mixed with beef or mutton suet and oatmeal and seasoned with onion, cayenne pepper, and other spices. The mixture is packed into a sheep’s stomach and boiled.

Tip of the hat is right. :nauseated_face:

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Like me! :grin:


It’s gotten some good reviews from Taste of Home and Food and Wine.

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Then they put pipes on it and play it :joy:


They must have tested the wine first and thoroughly!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Sorry - but no! Have had Reese’s products before and find them too sweet for my taste - but to add crisps? Daft idea. Mind you - they are not alone in their daftness.

I like Guinness - I like crisps - so when some bright spark dreamed up Guinness flavoured crisps I was eager to try. They were VILE!!

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I love it that Food and Wine has done a review. They can be quite a pretentious lot.
:+1: :rofl: It’s akin to “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”


:joy: The thing I love about ideas like these are all the head nodders who think they are horrible but are too afraid to speak up.

Now watch these chocolate-peanut-butter-chip-cup makers laugh me all the way to the bank . At least I will have my integrity :crazy_face:.