Ambition greater than ability’: Liz Truss’s rise from teen Lib Dem to would-be PM

I would not trust Liz Trust as far as I could chuck her. She want’s her own success at any price and the naked ambition IMO is there for all to see. We deserve better as a country than this self serving airhead
Truss ‘didn’t care’ if Boris Johnson won 2019 Tory leadership bid but ‘wanted to be on winning side’ (

If she gets to be PM then I fear for this country and it’s people. As she says she sees nothing wrong in changing her mind - bear that in mind if she gets in and as the months unfold and her promises turn into dust at her feet. Catastrophe on top of catastrophe - the woman is an incompetent and dishonest menace and we will soon find out.


She has learned from the best though, hasn’t she? :roll_eyes:

She is the better of the two there is a choice from. Just do not understand why Ben Wallace did not stand. A lot of my friends and acquaintances (including a local journalist[quote=“Omah, post:1, topic:92760, full:true”]

Liz Truss is tantalisingly close to acquiring the keys to No 10. But her constituency party members recall a meeting when the question of her entering parliament at all hung in the balance, after she was accused of failing to disclose an extramarital affair to activists.

It was 2009 – 12 years before she would be elevated to her current role as foreign secretary – and she was on the verge of finally becoming an MP after being selected to stand in the safe seat of South West Norfolk.

Dozens of hardline, rural Tory activists, dubbed the “Turnip Taliban”, had called an urgent meeting, angry that an 18-month affair with the Conservative MP Mark Field had not been disclosed when she was endorsed as a candidate. Some wanted her to stand down because they believed she was being parachuted in by unwanted moderates under David Cameron’s leadership.

Roy Brame, a self-declared member of the Turnip Taliban, had gone to the packed meeting convinced she should not stand in the safe seat at the next general election. But instead, he recalls Truss winning over a sceptical audience with a characteristic mix of charm and a thick skin.

He voted against her that evening, but Brame said he was impressed by her responses, telling reporters after the meeting: “We have just seen the new Thatcher.”

Truss survived the meeting – local websites claimed that the Turnips had been mashed – and won a vote supporting her as the candidate by 132 votes to 37.

Thirteen years later, Truss has now held six ministerial jobs under three different prime ministers – and in 2016 became the first female lord chancellor. Crucially, she appears to have currently won over a majority of the 160,000 Tory party members who will choose the next prime minister in September.

Her critics – and she has many within her own party – say she lacks many of Thatcher’s skills. She fails to display intellectual gravitas, they say, relying instead upon cheap slogans, and struggles to make convincing speeches, another facet of her character that could be quickly exposed under the intense scrutiny of Downing Street.

Others doubt if Truss really believes anything she says, and relies upon a gut instinct to fulfil her own ambitions. Anna Soubry, the former MP who served as a minister alongside Truss, said many had questioned whether she had the skills necessary to lead the UK.

“She was the most ambitious person many people had encountered. I honestly believe she was given jobs – ministerial promotions – just to shut her up. Her ambition is, undoubtedly, considerably greater than her ability,” said Soubry.

There is much more in the article.

I’m still of the opinion that Truss is an intellectual and political lightweight who won’t last long when confronted by the heavyweights of the wider world.

Why didn’t Ben Wallace stand? Much better candidate

Liz Truss policy guide (updated)

  1. Says she will reverse the recent rise in National Insurance, which came into effect in April
  2. Pledges to scrap a planned rise in corporation tax - set to increase from 19% to 25% in 2023
  3. Would suspend what is known as the “green levy” - part of your energy bill that pays for social and green projects
  4. Says she will pay for the cuts by spreading the UK’s “Covid debt” over a longer period
  5. Promises to change taxes to make it easier for people to stay at home to care for children or elderly relatives
  6. Wants to create new “low-tax and low-regulation zones” across the country to create hubs for innovation and enterprise
  7. Says she won’t cut public spending unless there is a way to do so that won’t lead to future problems
  8. Would bring target of spending 2.5% of GDP on defence forward to 2026 and introduce a new target of 3% by 2030
  9. Pledged to deliver the Northern Powerhouse Rail scheme in full during the first official hustings of the Tory leadership campaign
  10. Has released a six-point plan targeting reform in the education sector, widening access to Oxford, Cambridge and other top universities, expanding existing academy schools that are high performing, and replace failing establishments with free schools - she also indicated she would end a ban on new grammar schools in England
  11. Has promised to introduce a national domestic abuse register and a new offence of street harassment
  12. Has pledged to help millions of renters buy their first home by making it easier to prove they are ready to take on a mortgage, but said she plans to scrap national house-building targets
  13. Has promised to build stronger economic and trade ties with Commonwealth nations to counter China’s “growing malign influence” by expediting bilateral trade agreements with Commonwealth partners
  14. Has proposed sweeping reforms to UK trade union laws that would guarantee minimum services during strikes and raise the threshold on the number of workers needing to take part in ballots on industrial action.
  15. Has promised to scrap all remaining European Union laws that still apply in Britain by 2023
  16. Has vowed to ‘unleash’ British farming to shore up food security with a pledge to slash red tape and extend a seasonal workers scheme

This list is not yet complete


What concerns me greatly about all this, is how much influence BJ has on it. Given that he has only resigned from leader of the Con party, he is still a member of it. So…theoretically - if she became PM, she could reinstate him to Chancellor of the Exchequer, or even…perish the thought…Deputy PM. :scream: That would be one way to get him back being PM which everyone seems to want. Lz Truss sways with the wind, she has no clue whatsoever about anything so I think this is the plan. In my opinion, anyway.

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You could be right … :+1:

However, BJ made have been made some serious money offers which he won’t be able to refuse - ex-PMs can command fees in excess of £100,000 for an after-dinner speech … :exclamation:

Preaching to the converted will earn him millions a year and keep CJ in the manner to which she has become accustomed … :roll_eyes:

BJ may prefer that to being associated with “The Terrible Tenure of Truss” … :scream_cat:

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I had no idea…good grief the mind boggles!

Anyway, back to Liz Truss…I saw this morning that she would not allow IndyRef2 to go ahead up here. I’m curious to see how our First Minister reacts to this!

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This is the classic Tory PM dilemma. They absolutely cannot be seen to willingly offer any opportunity for an independence referendum. They are, after all, the leader of the Conservative and Unionist party. But as the Tories are now effectively the Brexit party they also preach a mantra of independence and self determination. They cannot claim that UK separation from Europe is right and proper but Scotland separation from the UK is in some way fundamentally wrong. Plus they also know that removing the Scottish vote actually increases the Tory majority in Westminster. So they need to be dragged to the option of offering an independence referendum. But that dragging will be full of false complaints whilst in reality they are not bothered.

Off topic.

Funny that … I thought she was looking to rejoin the EU once Scotland was free of Westminster rule. What sort of independence would that be?

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I’m much more optimistic about Scotland’s prospects outside the UK. However much depends on the reaction and subsequent behaviour from Westminster. It is entirely possible to have a sensible and constructive and mutually supportive split. But it would require a Westminster government that has grown up from its unnecessarily combative approach to the Brexit split.
Mutual success starts from mutual goals, respect and a shared view of how things can work. Not from grandstanding and dog whistling.

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Off Topic

Off Topic

I understand the hesitation as independence is a huge step. But I also look at other northern European countries and wonder why their GDP per person is almost double that of Scotland. Something about being the runt end of the UK has meant under-investment, quashed or bought out enterprises, and limited realisation of potential. To be fair to the north of England I think they suffer the same problems but with zero chance of breaking from a London centric UK.
As for being self sufficient - I doubt any modern nation is entirely self sufficient. The trick is being able to export as much as possible and gain as much investment as possible. Scotland is rich in many things and has, it seems, under-exploited in other areas. I look at the deep water harbour being built just south of Aberdeen as a good example of investment to drive up trade and tourism.

I think we ought to concentrate on Liz Truss…although feel free to post a thread on Scottish Independence if you want. I’d be happy to continue it, but not on this thread. :smiley:


We need to be perfectly clear on this.

We cannot do what we want outside the EU.

The WTO has rules, very strict ones, which we have no control over and have to comply with.

They are not however involved in closer political union, common currency etc etc.

Liz Truss policy guide (updated)

  1. Says she will reverse the recent rise in National Insurance, which came into effect in April
  2. Pledges to scrap a planned rise in corporation tax - set to increase from 19% to 25% in 2023
  3. Would suspend what is known as the “green levy” - part of your energy bill that pays for social and green projects
  4. Says she will pay for the cuts by spreading the UK’s “Covid debt” over a longer period
  5. Promises to change taxes to make it easier for people to stay at home to care for children or elderly relatives
  6. Wants to create new “low-tax and low-regulation zones” across the country to create hubs for innovation and enterprise
  7. Says she won’t cut public spending unless there is a way to do so that won’t lead to future problems
  8. Would bring target of spending 2.5% of GDP on defence forward to 2026 and introduce a new target of 3% by 2030
  9. Pledged to deliver the Northern Powerhouse Rail scheme in full during the first official hustings of the Tory leadership campaign
  10. Has released a six-point plan targeting reform in the education sector, widening access to Oxford, Cambridge and other top universities, expanding existing academy schools that are high performing, and replace failing establishments with free schools - she also indicated she would end a ban on new grammar schools in England
  11. Has promised to introduce a national domestic abuse register and a new offence of street harassment
  12. Has pledged to help millions of renters buy their first home by making it easier to prove they are ready to take on a mortgage, but said she plans to scrap national house-building targets
  13. Has promised to build stronger economic and trade ties with Commonwealth nations to counter China’s “growing malign influence” by expediting bilateral trade agreements with Commonwealth partners
  14. Has proposed sweeping reforms to UK trade union laws that would guarantee minimum services during strikes and raise the threshold on the number of workers needing to take part in ballots on industrial action.
  15. Has promised to scrap all remaining European Union laws that still apply in Britain by 2023
  16. Has vowed to ‘unleash’ British farming to shore up food security with a pledge to slash red tape and extend a seasonal workers scheme
  17. Has said there will be no Scottish referendum ‘on my watch’ and she’d ‘ignore’ Scotland’s First Minister as she brands Nicola Sturgeon an ‘attention seeker’
  18. Has promised far-reaching reforms to the civil service, claiming she could save almost £11bn a year from Britain’s bureaucracy, with proposals such as lower pay for officials who work in poorer parts of the UK, cutting civil service holidays and axing 326 diversity officers working across government departments
  19. Is considering splitting the Treasury, which she claims is leading Britain into recession by pursuing failed policies, including raising taxes to try to cut the deficit, into separate finance and economic ministries
  20. Rules out any more lockdowns shutting down UK PLC if another pandemic ever sweeps the country saying that despite backing them in Government ‘I was on the side of doing less’
  21. Vows to halt Nanny State ban on BOGOF deals - pledges no new taxes on food that’s high in fat, salt or sugar

This list is not yet complete


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That Woman will be a real mistake, and her insulting remarks about Scotland’s FM last night has earned her the undying hatred of most in Scotland. It shows exactly how a true blue thinks of us Scots and she will live to regret her nasty words. It was the talk of the pool, Tesco and the village this morning.

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Infantile, disrespectful and completely unprofessional. Playground stuff. I’m quite sure our First Minister will ignore the irritant.

Possibly, but John Sweeny was interviewed on the Radio this morning and boy is his dander up. She had no need for her words at all.