@Bruce , Funny that ??
In your earlier post you blamed the sacking of staff ??
You said it was unlikely to be BREXIT as the problem was world wide ??
I think you are just stirring ?
.[quote=“Donkeyman, post:41, topic:91928, full:true”]
@Bruce , Funny that ??
In your earlier post you blamed the sacking of staff ??
You said it was unlikely to be BREXIT as the problem was world wide ??
I think you are just stirring ?
That was about airport chaos Assman. This is about domestic flights which are back to pre-covid levels and being cancelled, obviously as a result of Brexit.
I think you are just trying to bully me.
I would say obviously because of a shortage of staff. How would my travelling from Devon to London and if cancelled be a cause of Brexit?
@Bruce ,. Bully? Ha! Ha! I suggest you make that official then ?
The title of the thread says it all !!
Did you understand what I meant? Gawd I’m just replying to another nit picker on another thread lol
Bring back B Cal.
Perhaps he thought that your flight had to stop off at Le Touquet Airport to pick up a bottle of wine in transit Wendeey ?