Airfares are getting very expensive

@Ripple ,“at least there’s no russian planes above us”
YET ? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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I bloody well hope not!
Caught some decent roach in The Serpentine many moons ago.

I was a dab hand hand with my waggler.


Talk about I’m alright Jack !

I done all the flying I WANT a to do and am too old / too hard up / or have seen it all
Already .

Further generations let them walk .

Considering each passenger aircraft will burn at least ten times the amount of fuel that the average motor burns, you can multiply all those aircraft by at least ten, and don’t forget that a car probably just takes its occupants a few miles to work, whereas some of those planes will be airborne for several hours Dex. And if we produced more goods here instead of transporting them by road half way across Europe, we could get half the lorries off the roads also.

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Whatever did our young people do in the fifties and sixties Muddy. And if you want to achieve ‘Net Zero’ you will just have to suck it up.

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We are not in the fifties and sixties anymore time to get with the times .

The times suggest that ‘Net Zero’ and the green revolution is the way to go now Muddy. The times of decadence are over…We must think about leaving a pollution free world for our children and grandchildren.

At least none of those planes are dropping poisonous lead on the inhabitants unlike Assman and all other drivers 30 years ago (or whenever they stopped using lead).

An aircraft holds more than 300 people at a time .
What goods do you propose producing here and with what ?
Having left Europe we are faced with importing stuff from much further a field .
So it will have longer to travel .
Therefore burn more fuel and cost more .

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I don’t think you can compare what went on way back in the 50s 60s and 70s + as most people were ignorant to the damage travel could cause.
However now we do know and something has to happen to protect this wonderful planet for the generations to come .

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