AI - Will the machines become so powerful and smart that they can’t be turned off and they outwit man?

And there’s no reason you shouldn’t enjoy it. It is what it is, a user-friendly device that offers some “eyc candy” features but which has limited capability and which unfortunately takes away much of the functionality and connectivity we have had for many years with PCs and Laptops.

It is specially designed to help sow the seeds for people to put all their data into the cyber world instead of being able to keep it locally on your own media like a hard drive, DVD or USB pen.

In all honestly I was aghast when I first came across one that a friend had. I had some basic documents in PDF format that I needed to share with him. I stuck them on a USB pen and said “right, there you go just load them off there”. He looked at me dumb-founded.

No USB socket ! Seriously !!! In 2015 we’re selling devices without a USB socket !

He explained that the only way I could give my documents from my PC or USB pen to his iPAD was to first transfer them all up into cyberworld and for him to download them from there. One way to do that would be for me to email them all to him. I was speechless, standing there with the documents in my hand, unable to simply transfer them.
So the only way to get anything on and off the iPad was to have internet connectivity ?! Quite a restriction.
When I eventually organised the emailing of all these documents we then discovered that he couldn’t then take the document attachments from his email and store them somewhere on the iPad hard disk (or equivalent).
I had seen enough. Even the most basic computing functions had been locked away on an iPad. Not for me. It’s a laptop without a keyboard with only a fraction of the functionality. I confess I chuckle every time I see the ads to buy a separate keyboard. What a hoot !

What’s next, selling an iCar with no wheels?

Lol … yes it is for superficial communication, such as chat forums and the like.

Also good when travelling by train if you’re not into mobile phones and need to chat quietly … :smiley:

I know discussions are not suppose to be competitive but I definitely won this one.

Bah, haven’t met a brain I can’t master.


Oh yeah ? :wink:

Ooo forgot one …

awwwww … how sweet :smiley:

yep … lulled into a false sense of security :wink:


You totally owned the thread when you put forth your theory, supplied no shred of evidence to support it, expected everyone else to simply accept it as truth and then responded to reasoned counter-arguments with silly jibes and disparagements.


When can we expect your appearance on the Jerry Springer show for some more sensational debate?

Dunno but if I get a spot are you coming along?

You will though have to sit down with the rest of us. No standing on that pedestal on live TV.


sounds like yuz two have got crabs??:mrgreen:

Yeah, but mine are very handsome :wink: .

ya mean ya not the ‘ugly’ one?? [as defined by the realist]:mrgreen:

Dunno, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Quite complicated really.

'ere … stop nicking my lines :wink:

perhaps we should have you both examined by a carcinologist?? [could be painful??]:blush::blush:

Bet you sure had to look that word up :wink: .

I do love this thread,it fair cheers Me up and has Me guffawing loudly ;~)…though I’m just laughing out of the right side of My mouth as I’ve just had a tooth filled on the left…keep it up Folks.x

Yes, quite a few comedians have taken part in this thread.

excuse me madam but too much joviality is unbecoming - this is a serious debate about the finer points of ecclesiastical law god damn it!:-p

Oh bugger … I didn’t know that :shock: must have missed it somewhere

And crabs.